
blame the silly, not the goose

@echoweil / echoweil.tumblr.com

| Alex | 25 | any pronouns | lesbian | poland | white | dni if terf/transmed/proship | art blog: @echoweil-art | aesthetics blog: @echodotcom |

deleting their location off my weather app because i don’t care if you’re in a snow storm any more

Reblogged exculis

sleeping good as fuck tonight knowing an omnipotent god AI is going to torture a simulation of me for all eternity. that bitch aint me!!!

Okay Roko's Basilisc is stupid, but this is not a solution.

It's not your self but by any reasonable definition it's a person, and if you have morals you wouldn't let a person suffer for eternity

not my problem. i didnt build the robot that tortures people

are you guys gonna wrap it up with the dog motif anytime soon

literally man's best friend but whatever. i guess you do sexual roleplay as some kind of tender-leaved houseplant?

you know full well that my sexual roleplays are geological in nature


A little something Sonic before convention season begins! This game stole multiple hundreds of hours of my life. (Especially the chao garden.)


dude your dong looks like one of those things from stupid mario brothers


Chao Garden I'm trying to experiment with textures to make my stuff look more interesting. This turned out alright, but it's not quite what i'm looking for yet. When i eventually get around to making products and selling them i'll definitely make stickers and prints of this though :)

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