
Feanorian Week

@feanorianweek / feanorianweek.tumblr.com

A week dedicated to celebrating to the Sons of Feanor (and their parents).



Feanorian Week Reminder!!

Hello Silmarillion Fandom! This is your reminder that Feanorian week will be taking place next month. Below are updated prompts (you are still allowed to suggest prompts)! When is it?:   March 24th, 2025—March 30th, 2025       

The prompts are as followed:

  • Day 1- Maedhros - > Childhood, Kingship, Angband, Coping, The Union, Relations with Different Races
  • Day 2-Maglor -> Childhood, Spouse,  Music & Songs of Power, Elrond & Elros, Kingship, Maglor’s  Gap, Redemption
  • Day 3- Celegorm - > Childhood, Hunting, Orome & Huan, Strength & Beauty, Luthien, Nargothrond
  • Day 4- Caranthir - > Childhood, Spouse, Betrayal, Lordship, Dwarves & Humans, Marriage, Appearance
  • Day  5- Curufin - > Childhood, Spouse, Celebrimbor, Forge Work
  • Day  6- Ambarussa - > Childhood, Lordship, Regrets, Twin, Hunting, Nandor
  • Day 7- Nerdanel and Feanor-> Mahtan, Finwe & Indis, Marriage, Reunion, Traveling, Creation, Healing

Rules: You are allowed to post anything fanrelated on the days.  If the prompts are not to your liking, you can do your own thing.  The tracktag is #feanorianweek.  Tag your work accordingly!  Have fun and be nice to others. Disrespect towards others will not be tolerated.  (apologies for the INCREDIBLY late reminder. This year has been a lot)


Title: Paper Boats and Petals

Summary: A gift given by Maglor in gentle kindness is repaid in water when the Gap falls.

The feeling of being watched drew Maglor’s attention away from the sketch he had been working on of the river, and he looked up to see a slender barefoot maiden in a long trailing gown of pale blue and silver crouched among the reeds watching him. In her dark hair were woven the sweet white and yellow flowers that grew in the grasses along the banks, but it was her eyes that caught his attention, bright and glowing with power that none but the Ainur possessed.

Thank you!!!

As today is the last day of Feanorian Week 2025, I want to thank everyone for sharing! With the short notice provided, I am amazed by the amount of submissions received.

I am incredibly behind on sharing works, and will be sharing works well into next week to ensure I share everyone's. X kit disappearing was not on my bingo card, so this has made things a bit more difficult.

My favorite thing about this event is seeing both new and old fans come together to provide such wonderful works to the fandom. I appreciate and thank all of you for the time spend on making this week happen!

I will endeavor to advertise early next year, but for reference Feanorain Week will always be the last week of March!

Thank you very much!


For Fëanorian Week, Day 3: Celegorm - (Reflections on) Childhood

Character study, post-reembodiment, 1.6k words.
Continuation of this (although reading the first part is not necessary).

The grass of the garden was dry and plush underneath his bare feet as Tyelkormo returned from his morning walk; there was a warm breeze that ruffled his ponytail, Huan’s breath hot on his elbow, and the songbirds dancing though green treetops, the very same ones that had been welcoming spring just a month before, were now complaining of the heat. With a soft sigh that held no real exasperation, and bidding Huan to return to the house, Tyelkormo thus took the door into his mother’s workshop. He found her already at work, marble dust clinging to the skin of her bare arms and dyeing her russet-brown curls grey.

“I see you’re working that new block of marble,” he said in lieu of a greeting. “Does that mean you’ve figured out who will emerge from inside?”

Nerdanel laughed and shook her head.

“Not at all, my dear; I’m afraid this is one of those cases where the person inside must reveal themselves as I work, as my fingers were itching too much to wait another day, and so I must rush them a bit.”


Celegorm & Huan

Tyelko was around the human equivalent of 5 years old when he got lost in the forests of Aman. Fëanor and Nerdanel were in a panic, searching everywhere for their little boy. Eventually, after extensive searched yieled nothing, they prayed to Oromë for help. Oromë swiftly located the young elf, who had been missing for several days at this point. Though obviously frightened, the little boy had befriended several animals and learned their ways to keep himself fed and warm during his ordeal, learning to hunt, forage and find shelter. Oromë was much impressed and gifted the young prince his very own hunting dog, a small puppy who insisted on being called Huan and nothing else. Relieved at the safe return of their young son, Nerdanel and Fëanáro didn't protest the new addition to their household. Between Tyelkormo and Huan grew a bond unbreakable until terrible things came to pass.

This is really rushed, but I didn't want to fall behind even further, so I made it a little simple on the colouring... please remind me to never draw a dog again.


Maglor & his spouse. Though he and Siryawë would be part on bad terms and be parted for ages to come , the beginning of their marriage was a happy one. After Siryawë, a dancer at the royal academy of performance arts, lost their leg in a fishing accident, Maglor, a fellow student who had a crush on her, begged his father to craft them a leg so that they could continue her dancing career. She grew charmed of the prince, and they wedded shortly after graduation. They were a famed performance duo, composing music and stage plays together.

Sorry for the delay...


POV you’re an innocent little shard of Treelight and you wake up in the basement laboratory of the closest thing Valinor has to a mad scientist:

aka i totally forgot it was @feanorianweek and did not prepare anything so enjoy this little sketchbook doodle of Fëanor, The Elf Himself, enjoying himself as he makes the Silmarils because love him or hate him, you cannot tell me that this elf is not a massive fucking dweeb (he wears a monocle because of course he wears a monocle)

These Little Lights of Mine

Seven small moments - six of joy and one of grief - between Fëanor and his sons.

Fëanorian Week Day Three: Celegorm (Childhood)

Tyelkormo runs before he can walk and climbs before he can talk. Up bookcases and counters, in trees and shed roofs. Fëanáro chases after him. Catches him as his son leaps off those heights, giggling.  “Careful, Tyelko!” He says, but the toddler only laughs louder. How can Fëanáro not smile at such fearlessness? “I should make you wings. Or a sturdy leash to keep you grounded.”  His third born gives Fëanáro a sticky kiss, but despite all the innocence in his smile Fëanáro knows that, very soon, he shall once again try to fly through the air like a comet.

(full fic to be released on March 30!)


"And it is told also of Maglor that he could not bear the pain with which the Silmaril tormented him; and he cast it at last into the sea, and thereafter wandered ever upon the shore singing in pain and regret beside the waves."

Maglor for @feanorianweek day 2!!

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