

@foxgirlsounds / foxgirlsounds.tumblr.com

(she/her) 28. trans furry. rampantly homosexual

I really do hope FFXIV implements some canon gay romances someday. It’s weird to think for how progressive the team behind it is, we haven’t really gotten much in the way of representation.

What I’m saying is, I want this to pop up

And what follows next is fifteen minutes of sloppy yuri sex between Cirina and Sadu

Anonymous asked:


two girls rubbing their tails together call that fluffing

Anonymous asked:

Uses my slimebody to spread around and slurp up all the MyGoo

I appreciate the help but I think…I think…there might be even more goo now


Girls ya’ll need to stop with that MyGoo I’m only one fox with one mop I can’t possibly clean all this goo up

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