
Hoobert Heever


minors don't follow

lolcows are such a display of the unbelievable mass cruelty people are capable of when given the chance

Pushing some of the most vulnerable mentally ill people to the very edge until they eventually do something egregious and then these people say “see they were a bad person all along so it’s fine to treat them this way”

Note how these columns are designed to perfectly allow the climbing of small lizards up and down their faces. This is a typical example of Gecko-Roman architecture

the thing about new york that people who have never lived there can't understand is that the streets aren't just streets. they're full of cars. moving cars. there's a culture and laws you have to follow when you're driving in the streets.

I'm sorry, but you can't understand if you haven't lived there. it's not the same as your streets. the cars are the difference, and no matter how many streets you've seen, you haven't seen ones with cars.

The US having an entire city in the middle of the desert dedicated entirely to gambling sounds like a thing other countries would make up about the US as a joke but its real and no one bats an eye at it

They also do divorce

You know I held myself back from going off on an infodump about the history of divorce in Las Vegas for the sake of this joke but the amount of people reblogging this version from me and not getting my history based joke about how divorce was important in shaping the economy is Las Vegas is driving me a little bit crazy

The people want an explanation so an explanation I shall give.

Basically Nevada used to be like. Nowhere. Even more nowhere than it is now. They broke several rules when they made it a state actually because the population wasn’t big enough to justify it but they wanted Lincoln to get more electoral college votes or something. I dunno.

Point is, there’s not much in Nevada. Sure, there’s silver mines. There’s local tribes who are pretty cool. There’s wildlife. There’s some neat mountains. Not much water though and water is needed for most industries and large scale civilization.

This vast emptiness ended up making Nevada what it is today though mostly because of crime. It’s hard for the feds to stop your crime when you’re surrounded by a whole lot of nothing. Is the state and federal government gonna trek through the Nevada desert to scold you? I don’t think so.

Local governments today in Nevada can often trace themselves directly back to criminal organizations and corrupt groups of politicians, including the city of Las Vegas and the very large unincorporated community of Paradise which is actually where the Las Vegas strip is. Why is Paradise, Nevada still an unincorporated community despite having over 180,000 residents? Because if there’s no city government that’s one less government entity your casino has to pay taxes to. Duh.

And these crime people and casino owners and easily bribable politicians despite their many problems did figure something out. Tourists like doing things that are illegal in other places. Californian tourists in particular. And one of the illegal things that all Americans really but especially Californians wanted to do was get divorced.

Around 1930 Nevada became one of the first states to make no-fault divorce legal. Not only that but the required waiting period became six weeks. Not only that but only one spouse had to live in Nevada for those six weeks. To this day, the waiting period for divorce in California is still six months. This was huge.

This becomes a whole industry. Not only is gambling legal in Nevada but now divorce is too. When a couple decide mutually that they want a divorce but there’s no legal reason for it where they live, one of them, usually the woman, goes to live in a resort in Las Vegas or Reno for six weeks (often called a divorce ranch) and then they can get divorced.

And while one or both spouses are there, they can gamble, get pampered, see entertainment, meet other people. Then they go home after their divorce and tell their friends all about it. Now all their friends know that there’s gambling and entertainment in Vegas. And now they know about the divorce ranches. More money in the Nevadan economy.

Las Vegas is a bright shining tax evasion island in the middle of the desert built on entertainment, gambling, crime, and divorce. God bless Nevada and god bless no-fault divorce.

whenever people say shit like “i couldn’t be polyamorous, i’m so jealous and possessive. if my partner even LOOKS at another girl/guy i’m gonna kick them out of a window” i’m like well you should probably be working on that. like even if you don’t end up doing polyamory it’s probably good to not be like that


Beginning Friday the 11th, RTVS will be holding another 3-day weekend fundraising event for the people of Palestine.

It is a tragedy that Palestine is still enduring the same nightmarish conditions that they were this time last year. There has been little to no improvement in things as Israel continues to break ceasefires and block incoming aid as they try and continue their genocide. We would like to once again rally our community and as many others as we can reach to give what support we are able to to Palestine's people.

Like last year, the event will not be a traditional stream fundraiser, rather than pointing people at one donation point, we will be suggesting a number of different recipients for support. However, this year may be organized slightly differently than the way we did it last time; more information regarding that will be shared in the next few days once we confirm our plan. Overall, it's the same idea: all donations to Palestinians and aid groups will be tallied into our grand total for the event.

The all-day, all-weekend streaming event will once again feature a rotation of hosts from Radio TV Solutions putting on all kinds of events. Themed segments, classic segments, crazy gameshow-type beats, chill segments, gaming w/ Da Whole Crew and MORE await you. The event will be hosted at http://stream.rtvsfundraiser.live/. Mark your calendars, tell your friends, and GET READY!


Culture is so obsessed with the idea of lone geniuses that it doesn't really appreciate that most of the progress of science (and likely every other discipline) occurs collaboratively, in babysteps, and usually through a lot very tedious, utterly unsexy, work.

This is what’s so faulty with our short sighted coverage of scientific discoveries. You hear politicians question why we spend money on science studying insect wings and then decades later that research gets used by NASA for the most efficient way to fold/unfold solar panels on spacecraft. All of science is connected and useful because it enhances our understanding of the universe

When lasers were discovered they were called “a solution without a problem”, noone had any idea what to use them for. Since then they’re revolutionised communications and SO many parts of technology. CDs, DVDs, printing, fast internet, laser etching for making computer chips, laser eye surgery, spectroscopy, LIDAR measurements of weather patterns, barcode scanners, cooling atomic clocks, nuclear fusion, microscopy, LED technology and materials research. I’m probably not even scratching the surface here. Fund theory and fundamental science research.

It's actually kind of heartening, lasers; because before they were invented, their only real antecedents in science fiction were things like rayguns and heatrays and what not. But it actually turns out that their usefulness as a weapon is extremely limited, whereas their usefulness for just about everything else is incredible. It's one of the occasions where we flipped the "Dual Use" coin and it landed very solidly on the good side.

I cannot trust the artistic opinions of anybody who can't frankly admit that the vast majority of whatever's produced in their chosen medium (books, film, etc) is unsalvageable pigslop. But also that dogshit amateur art is critical for said medium. AND that pigslop and amateur dogshit is different

Publishing is largely a machine cranking out entire forests' worth of garbage not worth reading. AND your unedited, barely-coherent 500k word Super Smash Bros fanfiction is vital for the soul to flourish. There is no contradiction here

I recently had surgery, and at the time I came home, I had both my cat and one of my grandma's cats staying with me.

- Within hours of surgery, I wake up from a nap to my cat gently sniffing at my incisions with great alarm.

- I was not allowed to shower the first day after surgery, and the cats, seeing that The Large Cat is not observing its cleaning ritual, decided I must be gravely disabled and compensated by licking all the exposed skin on my arms, face, and legs.

- I currently have to sleep with a pillow over my abdomen because my cat insists on climbing on top of me and covering my incisions with her body while I sleep (which is very sweet but not exactly comfortable without the pillow). She also lays across me facing my bedroom door, presumably on guard for attackers who may try to harm me while I'm sleeping and injured.

That's love. 🐈‍⬛🐈❤️

cats are so very unclear on what is wrong with us but they want to help

Last time I had a really bad migraine my cat curled herself round my head and purred sympathetically, and actually stayed there through two of her normal mealtimes. It wasn't until I was able to stagger to the kitchen and grab a protein bar for myself that she gave a very small, polite miaow to the effect of "while you're up... could you get something for me too?"

excessive typing and any standing up are painful and therefore my cats forbid it

I'm currently enjoying Shingles™ (I'm old) and my beautiful antisocial kitty has decided to cuddle with me under the blanket and lemme pet her to my heart's content. She * never* gets under the blanket, and she's super picky about being touched, but I think she really, really wanna make sure I'm ok.

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