Some photos of Stevie and Fleetwood Mac with Richard Norton who became Fleetwood Mac's bodyguard in 1977 and taught Stevie some karate moves (together with Bob Jones). Later he would also be Stevie's bodyguard for her solo tours in the early 80's. Richard went on to have a career in Hollywood as an actor, stuntman and fight choreographer. Richard Norton unexpectedly died earlier today.
hi, how are you? I wanted to ask you if is normal for Stevie to just disappear, like she is doing now.
Hi! Yes, it is VERY normal to not not see Stevie for several months when she's not touring! Nothing to worry about, she's just relaxing at home, vacationing, writing, doing whatever she wants. She's an old lady, wether we like it or not, she needs to take it easy. In a little bit over 2 weeks there's a big event again and there will be plenty of new pics.
Trying to figure out is that even Stevie doesn’t really look like her ? Some had it under 1986 and listed as her .. uhh yeah doesn’t really look like her,
Not Stevie! (I'm gonna publish this so everyone can see this) This pops up a lot on Pinterest with an incorrect caption (that happens a lot on Pinterest). This is Peter Frampton with his girlfriend Penny McCall circa 1977-ish. Stevie and Peter Frampton were never romantically involved. Here's an actual pic of them together from 1986:
Do you have any pics of Stevie and Lindsey wearing their matching necklaces circa 1975? (Besides the black and white ones where they’re at a party and she’s wearing a vest and he has a drink in his hand)
I'm not sure it happened that often, I have to see what I can find, I'll share tomorrow.
Okay so after some thourough "research" I'm not sure if they were ever intentionally wearing matching necklaces? The pic that is often referenced is this one (like anon mentioned) where they are both wearing a star on a thin chain:
In these different photoshoots it is more obvious they are not the same:
There's also another pic from the first event:
Here you can see that both Christine and Mick are also wearing star necklaces. So either they had some sort of pact that for some reason they all had to wear matching star necklaces (and John is in on it too, just not visible in this photo) or, and I think this is more likely, star necklaces were just very fashionable at the time.