Bruno Barbey. Walls of the old city. Chefchaouen, Morocco, 1972.
Reblogged 2000-lightyearsfromhome
Reblogged pixnflixnwrites
Saul Leiter Boy, New York City c.1960
Reblogged circus-sonata
Charles L Johnson
Reblogged koshigurajumy
William Gedney
Reblogged joeinct
Pram and washing, South Wales Valley, 1961 - by Philip Jones Griffiths (1936 – 2008), Welsh
Excerpt from The Inevitable Anguish of Desire by Marie Denise Dessimoz
Reblogged subnitida
Saul Leiter. Scarf 1948
Reblogged thatsbutterbaby
© Amy Friend from the serie Dare Alla Luce
Reblogged thatsbutterbaby
Reblogged neshamama
Alfred Eisenstaedt. Woman Spinning, Rignano Garganico, Italy, 1947.
Reblogged apantomancja
Paul Robas