
(different way of saying hyunjin)


Henry / he/him / ‘92 / nyc / kpop faggotry and catposting... 18+ gay sex is good gay sex is fun not everyone has it but haha!!!!!! MALE IDOL RPS IS MORALLY CORRECT AND A SIGN OF SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT AND CREATIVE FREEDOM (MY VERY REAL AND SERIOUS OPINION) Women please don’t block me or I will injure myself ⚠️

(weed failure cat by @shockpine)

Hi i am henry and i am addicted to posting but someday i will escape this place. Thats what I believe. Lets be mutuals and see how far we can watch each other fall


Please read the following expository paragraphs before answering the attached poll.

In this beautiful world, there are people who have many different brains. Some people's brains cause them to attach high significance to things that do not actually matter very much, even if they KNOW that the things don't matter, even if they STRONGLY BELIEVE this. This sense of cognitive dissonance is actually very annoying and stressful for a person who has thoughts like this and it causes them to feel even worse, and they feel bad about having these thoughts in the first place as it may represent a contradiction with their own deeply held sense of justice or morality; repeat ad nauseam. This kind of repetitive thought loop is symptomatic of something called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, which you may have heard of. Not everyone who thinks like this necessarily has this disorder. However, it is a good idea to remember, when you are online, that some people suffer in this way, so you can act in ways that are respectful of other people, because you know, you might think it looks funny but it lives its whole life and shit.

Furthermore, sex is a sensitive subject for a lot of people. People may have difficult personal feelings about their own relationship to sex even if they believe very strongly in sexual freedom for everyone. It is a good idea to be sensitive about other people's personal feelings about sexual content.

Now nod your head "yes" if you understand. Congratulations! You are now ready to participate in the following poll.


the cake says 3 but there are at least 6 rats pictured

they are all brothers and they are all turning 3


All my podcast ads are for women’s low libido pills and divorce services…. They think I am a woman in a broken marriage

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