
America’s Next Top Best Friend

@illegalaustralien / illegalaustralien.tumblr.com

Andrei / 102 / Australia
Reblog Button Aficionado

wiggle and wriggle seem so close that they should be the same word but if The Wiggles became The Wriggles, that would make me uncomfortable ngl

my most toxic trait is i fucking love work gossip. i play neutral not to be the bigger person or take the high road but to hear slander and hearsay from every side. two coworkers complained about each other to me in the same afternoon and i nearly blacked out from the rush

You don't even need to study for the Rorschach test, btw, it's super easy. All they do is show you a bunch of stupid pictures of your dad getting eaten by a horse

It's just so... surreal. Richest (and one of the most powerful) guy in the world begging his internet followers to be real niceys to him because online lefties making fun of him hurt his feelings, but neither him nor his followers would respect him expressing that kind of vulnerability so he has to somehow spin it as trolling and #Owning the radical lefties.

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