
lonely is the muse

@joenicky / joenicky.tumblr.com

adriana, 30s, she/her. ☕️
bisexuality and vampirism.
Yuck... This week, Emily and V tackle a requested topic and look at the downfall of wrock, AKA Wizard Rock, aka music about Harry Potter made by semi-pro musicians in the 2000s and early 2010s. Much of the wrock genre was caught up in the blizzard of allegations that made up YouTube Abuse in 2014, the pre-MeToo movement that aimed to take vloggers who preyed on their fans to account. In particular, we look at the total shitheads who made up the band Ministry of Magic. As an extra content warning, if you miss it in the episode title: we discuss Neil Gaiman in this episode -- not in graphic detail, but just, be aware.


This Week In Fandom History is a fandom-centric podcast that tells you… what happened this week in fandom history!

“The feeling that she had never really lived in this world caught her by surprise. It was a fact. She had never lived. Even as a child, as far back as she could remember, she had done nothing but endure. She had believed in her own inherent goodness, her humanity, and lived accordingly, never causing anyone harm. Her devotion to doing things the right way had been unflagging, all her successes had depended on it, and she would have gone on like that indefinitely. She didn’t understand why, but faced with those decaying buildings and straggling grasses, she was nothing but a child who had never lived.”

— Han Kang, The Vegetarian

just started steven universe and i am VERY much a pearl

You’re telling me NO ONE has giffed Van asking “do mulder and scully get together?!?!l


crazy ex girlfriend appreciation week day 1 favourite character 'I can finally show the outside world what’s been inside of me this whole time. All of it. All of the-the nuances and the gray areas. It’s not just about the act of writing. It’s about how, when I’m doing that, when I’m telling my own story for the first time in my life, I am truly happy. It’s like I just met myself. Like I just met Rebecca. I came to this town to find love, and I did. I love every person in this room. Each and every one of you.'

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