
That One Dude's Blog

@jojotier / jojotier.tumblr.com

I'm a grade A Mess lmao


hey there! I'm Sam (he/him), I'm 25 and I'm way too pretentious about absolute bullshit <3

I write for the webcomic Beasts Without Burden, drawn by the incredible @terra-toma! Set in a world of celestials where the comic itself is the magic system, it's about a cryptozoologist-turned-mock-hunter who may or may not have come back wrong after being eaten alive by a monster, the found family he makes and the secrets of his blood family that he grapples with along the way...

Read our comic on Tapas // On Webtoon!

Now running @dungeonbent, a Homestuck AU set in the world of Dungeon Meshi!

I used to write a mix of Homestuck / JJBA fanfic on my main ao3 account jojotier, and I used to write a fair bit of Magnus Archives fanfic with a couple other buds under the collective ao3 sam_roulette, but it's been a bit since I've done that lmao. I'll stick some notable fics of mine below the read more.

I also do original fiction! Most of it is in snippets in my writing tag; whatever I post about my 120+ original project ideas is in my backburner projects tag.

Is the youths negative perception of Israel due to antisemitism or is it because israeli soldiers posted themselves on tiktok wearing palestinian women's lingerie 🤔

Is it antisemitism or is it the mangled bodies of palestinian children? Is it antisemitism or videos of soldiers making light of blowing up a school or mosque? Is it watching their government approve weapons transfers to Israel to attack a strip of land full of people with no capability to defend themselves? Is it antisemitism or the articles coming out that israeli soldiers admit running their tanks over people, using palestinian captives as human shields in buildings, or admitting they killed children? It's a tough call honestly

Is it antisemitism or is it simply recognizing that Palestinian lives (Arab lives and people of color lives in general) are human lives and being able to have empathy for them?

Is it antisemitism or is it recognizing settler colonialism and its violence against indigenous people, seeing ourselves and so many other people in the Palestinian struggle for liberation?

30 days of continuous and permanent closure of the crossings in all directions, 30 days without a single morsel of food entering Gaza, 30 days of famine and the return of genocide

Eid has come to the Gaza Strip, but the Israeli aggression has not ended. The occupation is still practicing ethnic cleansing against us and our children. The situation here is catastrophic. Please continue to help.

Save Baby Ammar’s Life!

My 9-month-old son, Ammar, is fighting for his life in the ICU. Every day without full treatment pushes him further into danger. We are doing everything we can, but the overwhelming medical costs are beyond our reach.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

His life depends on your kindness. Any donation, no matter how small, can make a difference between hope and despair.،🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🤲🤲

Please help us give Ammar a chance to live. Donate and share his story.🫂😭😭😭😭🙏

samah's original campaign and account are shared by 90-ghost, but it was shut down as her organiser's bank account was deactivated

ammar urgently needs money for his weekly injection - this is something he has needed since last week, in fact. this injection helps with his heart condition and is the most important thing for him currently

because he has been without it, he has been suffering from a fever, with his temperature at 39c

samah has requested we use ko-fi as gofundme will take until 15th april to get the campaign money to her - this is over two more weeks, which isn't something ammar can sustain

proof samah asked me to use my paypal / ko-fi account here

$0 / $700

this is the price for two weeks' worth of the injection. please let's help her get this as quickly as possible for ammar, who is already a week late to it

thank you so much for everyone's help! with everyone's hard work, we reached the $700 amount today!

therefore, i have started over this goal for the following two weeks - the deadline for this is thus the 27th april, though it would be much appreciated if we could reach at least the halfway point before the 20th so ammar could have that injection then

for anyone who saw the post before, you may notice that the ko-fi posted has changed - this friend turned out to have some issues with their paypal for holding all this money in future.

we figured out with another friend, who is still currently taking care of the other ko-fi, that though my paypal is defunct my ko-fi still works, and a paypal account can link to multiple ko-fis, so she is holding on to the money for me but we have separate ko-fis to save the passport funds vs ammar's daily need funds

God I'm so afflicted with enui. The play I volunteered at yesterday was mid and I finished Giovanni's Room and then laid in bed for an hour thinking about Giovanni's Room and then I woke up and after I went to the gym and saw all those flowers in the park carpeting the shadows beneath trees like clouds of white petals I thought I was lifting up out of it but then my movie was pushed back so I read some of the Paper Menagerie and wandered into a free exhibit on religious abstract art only to be faced with a massive story-high painted three panel triptych looking like rot and ruin itself which I learned was painted with paint that the artist had mixed broken glass and HUMAN HAIR into and one of the offshoot cells had all three of its white white walls full of perfect black circles of various sizes depicting perfect specimen plates of something under a microscope like pus filled boils of ink writhing from the surface of the wall so now I'm just waiting for zodiac to start like I'm not five seconds away from some cosmic horror situation trying to warp out from under the theatre seats

If it's possible for you, please send donations and humanitarian aids to Myanmar for the earthquakes. We don't have a good plan for earthquakes in place because the country literally is going through a civil war. Though I'm not minimizing the damage in Thailand in anyway, Myanmar's situation has been very largely ignored for the last few years so this was very hard-hitting since we were already going through so much. Mandalay is especially in shambles, and it is known as the second most populous city in Myanmar. People and businesses really suffered from this and they won't be able to rebuild this at all for the next few years because of the civil unrest. And even places not affected too much by the earthquakes, like Yangon, is facing electricity cutoffs. They were rationing electricity before and now there are not even rations. The whole grid is down. Phone lines are also still partially down. What's worse is the military junta hates the word "donation" or "charity" so sometimes they would shut down bank accounts for it and give out arrest warrants, even if the donation is not about supporting the defense forces. So we're in a bind as people who want to send money over will already have to disguise their help as something other than a donation because they don't wanna be flagged and arrested for this. Foreigners have the upper hand as they can just prove their aids truly is a humanitarian aids, while people in the country don't even get a first chance. So please send any (monetary or otherwise) help over if you can and I hope y'all can at least spread the news even if you cannot contribute to the cause.

See this post for updated local news in Myanmar.


genuinely feel a little bad that i didn't pick up giovanni's room sooner bc like. idk you hear "classic queer tragedy" and there's this certain image that gets put in your head, of primarily the brutalization of gay people through the ages and the horrible shit they have to go through, and you start to hesitate and put it off bc like, there's already so much of that. i already deal with that. why should i read about some other repressed gay guy im living that shit every day of my life.

but then you actually read it and yes it does reflect back the shit you face, but there is such tenderness too. there's tenderness the entire way through, because the story isn't about the tragedy that love ends in, but that the love was there at all. that you let yourself feel that love and come to know yourself, to make peace with it, instead of just focusing on the secondhand shame you might feel at first.

and then i ask myself: how long was I going to deny myself that tenderness?

Finished giovannis room. Just gonna. Gonna lie down i think

screaming, crying, throwing up, as I force myself to write a story i'm very passionate about and love writing and have no obligation to write except that i want to

genuinely feel a little bad that i didn't pick up giovanni's room sooner bc like. idk you hear "classic queer tragedy" and there's this certain image that gets put in your head, of primarily the brutalization of gay people through the ages and the horrible shit they have to go through, and you start to hesitate and put it off bc like, there's already so much of that. i already deal with that. why should i read about some other repressed gay guy im living that shit every day of my life.

but then you actually read it and yes it does reflect back the shit you face, but there is such tenderness too. there's tenderness the entire way through, because the story isn't about the tragedy that love ends in, but that the love was there at all. that you let yourself feel that love and come to know yourself, to make peace with it, instead of just focusing on the secondhand shame you might feel at first.

and then i ask myself: how long was I going to deny myself that tenderness?


thinking about blorbo from my original fiction. god she i sso meow meow coded. babygirl...

the thing about Red is that while her story is definitely the most lighthearted, she's also the oldest of the protagonists. she's already hit age 30. she's kinda beaten down by the system; not only because people just generally don't recognize her as a woman, but because even those few that do usually pin her as being past any prime she might have had. a spinster like her ought to be a governess somewhere or trying to prove herself at the apothecary, not thieving, and yet. she doesnt have any other choice. so she survives as well as she can and hones her tongue and plays every role given and only then, after years of suffering and starvation, does a chance at happily ever after come.

What Strength Really Means 💪

✅️ Vetted by @gazavetters {537}✅️

Hey everyone, my name is Abdelmajed. I don’t usually talk much about myself, but today, I want to share a little piece of my story.

I was born and raised in Gaza, a place that has always been my home 🏡. I grew up surrounded by my family, my friends, and the streets that I knew like the back of my hand. Life wasn’t always easy, but we had love, laughter, and dreams. I used to think that no matter what happened, home would always be here. But life has a way of changing things in ways we never expect.

Over the past months, everything I once knew has disappeared. The streets that were once filled with children playing are now silent. The houses that held so many memories are now just rubble. And the people I loved—some of them are gone forever. 💔

✅️ Vetted by @gazavetters {537}✅️

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