Every day that passes our life gets worse in Gaza there are more than 2 million people we need large quantities of food but with the crossings closed it is impossible every day food is getting scarcer and its price is increasing dramatically there is no water or even electricity to operate the water wells our life is tragic in addition to all of this the sounds of explosions and cannons and planes that never stop they never stop when we ask you to donate you are our only hope with this money we can eat some of the available food or even some clean water to drink there is no sanitation or health services diseases are everywhere insects too everything is difficult so difficult that you cannot imagine what we are going through without experiencing it it is more difficult than what you see on TV our life is tragic so I ask you to donate to us any amount you can afford my family and I need something to help
Less than 300 euros left, guys, please donate to us, we need your support
Straight guys who use tumblr are the funniest people ever literally how did you end up here
How is calling someone “attention seeking” an insult quite literally the majority of social interactions are seeking attention. Gossiping about someone else by calling them “attention seeking” is attention seeking. Im seeking attention by even making this post
If I stretch my arms as far as they go, I can feel the edges of the sky
Sometimes I forget that guys liking instagram models posts is like an entire issue some people have in their relationships honestly to god one of those things that makes me feel like an alien put on this earth to live amongst humans like do you think that instagram models are going to want to fuck your 4/10 Midwest boyfriend Brad who doesn’t wash his ass. and do you think him witnessing an attractive woman is cheating. What’s going on ever
I can’t believe I used to think I had high standards when I really dated someone who kept waking me up yelling while gaming and when I said I needed to sleep proceeded to yell at me and then lock me in my room and block me on discord. And we lived together. Projared ass reaction
I didn’t even notice I was locked in until I tried to get out and couldn’t. And I was so defeated I was just like whatever man and went back to sleep
I can’t believe I used to think I had high standards when I really dated someone who kept waking me up yelling while gaming and when I said I needed to sleep proceeded to yell at me and then lock me in my room and block me on discord. And we lived together. Projared ass reaction
hai ! my last post regarding shaima's family is losing traction again and donations r becoming stagnant . last time we and others raised 1k in total to reach the 13k goal . i wld like to request this again but in hopes that we can strive higher and consistently ! the goal is 30k and it is still very time sensitive . currently , in palestine , their specific area is unsafe as the idf once again disregards ceasefire . please donate and share their gfm around if you can so we can have more sources of funds directed towards their gfm . if u wld like , i have created a qr code that can be posted outside or around personal businesses ! pls share this and get this fund back on its feet .
Please, whoever can support the campaign more and spread it, I hope that he will not fall short. The campaign is very weak and far from the goal. Please do not ignore our situation. 🙏
It’s really difficult to describe the severity of emetophobia I find people think it’s almost like an anecdotal quirked up “we’re all a little ocd lol :)” thing until they actually witness someone having an episode over it. I used to frequent emetophobia forums which I do not recommend doing ever outside of actual information you need to acquire and then get tf outta there bc they legit do nothing but make eachother worse but there were legitimately people on there who talked about the fact they didn’t love their kids or even hated them and didn’t know what to do about it because of the neverending fear. they also had a memorial page for users who had died from the disease. :[
Mussolini used mustard gas on both civilian and military targets in his attempt to colonize Ethiopia (and western Europe let him)
Some people in the reblogs are misunderstanding Lella and thinking she's saying that Mussolini was "less bad" than Hitler. Lella is Libiyan and Algerian, a direct victim of Italian facism. She is saying that Mussolini is often thought of as a "lesser evil" even though he committed atrocities throughout Africa — and he's thought of that way because his victims were African. She is not saying *she* thinks Italian facism is a "lesser evil" but that people often neglect to even mention the horrors of italian colonialism.
Pretty sure quite literally the weirdest person I know dislikes me now and I don’t even know why. I have a masters degree in scaring the hoes
Making a second account solely so people who have me blocked have to block me again
@junglejinn4322 alt account hmu
Boost also I never block people on here so this is my first experience being able to block everyone and anyone quite literally half this website is getting blocked on my sanctuary blog of peace
I’ll block a bitch on last fm I’ll block a bitch on Letterboxd I’ll block a bitch on internet archive I’ll block a bitch on Neocities I’ll block a bitch on IMDB I’ll block a bitch on jstor