


Sebastian Stan, gifmaker,her,35,Shadow and bone,Heartstopper,Red white & royal blue,Malec, 911,DoW. No DMs.

I had tv on and there was interview with Mike Marino Hollywood make up artist and he spoke about working with Sebastian Stan on Different man. He said so much (quality of the make up) depends on the actors, how much they are willing to go thru etc.,and that Sebastian is incredibly cooperative and capable of sitting in the chair for 12 hours if its needed.

Port Valley | Bucky Barnes x Reader - Chapter 2

Synopsis: Winnie forces James to walk you home, leading you to the realisation that you might like him...

Warnings: none

Word Count: 2.1k




I hate when people smoke around kids. Especially if its their own child. Dude, your own child is breathing poison!

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