
i'll go anywhere as long as i'm with you

@khaoala / khaoala.tumblr.com

bibi. 27. she/her. bisexual previously khaopybara tracking #tuseryoo
an agglomeration of what my brain decides to latch on for a few months

i got the approval of 1 (one) person (thank you mona @khaotungthanawat) and decided why not, am i right? it's not like my tumblr url is all over my gifs for the past year or so. khaoala has been plaguing me for months now, though, so maybe it's time for a change.

Anonymous asked:

is this a safe space honestly to me first would be the orange cat and khao the black cat lol

that has been a point of discussion for a very long time as far as i am aware. there are people in the fandom who will refer to them just like you did because they do think that fits better (some people are very hostile about it, but we don't do this here, we're civil). officially, first is the black cat and khaotung is the orange one. personally? i feel it depends on the day (which is very fitting bc if you have cats you know they will dictate their own mood accordingly. regardless, you better bend to their will).

Anonymous asked:

Hello I have a fk lore request pls can you tell me more about the eclipse announcement (I heard firkhao were not announced like other couples at all? What does that mean?) Also is there a video or something of them making yuzumumu? And like official cp announcement? (Is that even a thing ik nothing)

this is actually my first time reading about this. as far as i'm aware, they were announced just like everyone else? then admittedly, though, i wasn't here at the time, so i know especially little about this matter. someone else who has been around longer might be able to help us here.

but hey, look at how baby they were in the eclipse announcement:

but the yuzumumu question i can answer. for fanday in 2023, a bunch of gmm's couples got videos of them making their mascots to represent fans. if, the playlist i found is anything to go by, earthmix, pondphuwin, joongdunk and forcebook (and ofc firstkhao) released videos around that time for this event in specific. it's adorable and fk also look so good in that video (when you buy your yuzumumu key chain, it even comes with an id card, and on it, it says yuzumumu's birthday is august 16, 2023, which is the same date they posted fk's video).

as far as i'm aware too, there wasn't a official cp announcement. gmm really isn't the type to do that, i don't think. these days, i'd say their mascot videos are basically what we would call the official announcement, to be honest, like the confirmation that they are a branded pair (like all three gl couples we have under gmm now have their cute little mascots. emibonnie only finally got nong any recently and that's because us is just about to end, and they most definitely need to sell those dolls in the final ep. fm).

Anonymous asked:

i don’t think somdom are lazy or anything, the real issue is that we don’t have a big account to tell us how to trend, when to trend, and the meaning of it. a lot of us didn’t even know that that tweet was a mission.

so called soms are already calling the fandom names just bcs of it, but the truth is that we just didn’t know about that thing, at the moment we realized that was a mission the numbers increased, we are capable of it, we just need a account to tell us when and how to trend

is not that deep

it's what i said. not much of a fandom discipline there. people are annoyed from both sides, tbh, but it's also just like i said, people who want to participate should do it (though i'd prefer if they focused only on that and not guilt tripping people into it).

some of the biggest accounts in the fandom are the one of translators, and they did translate those missions quite early from what i've seen, so if you're interested, keep an eye on those. there's not much for me to do here besides that.


Peeta Mellark is an integral member of the four D12 victors. He is literally the sunset on the reaping! How is this not clear? I’ve never wanted to report people for bad literary analysis more and I’m only half joking. It has forced me to commit a cardinal sin: analyze in anger!

1. Him being chosen by absolute accident is the point. Not only does he represent every single other tribute who simply gets chosen because they live in a messed up country but he represents how even with some odds being in your favor (older siblings, merchant family, being white, being popular, etc.) you are still very likely to be victimized by the oppressive structure of Panem.

2. When Haymitch says, “But she was smarter than me, or luckier” - the luck is all the people around Katniss who created the circumstances for her to lead a successful revolution (her father teaching her to hunt, the arena having woods, Rue healing her with leaves, Thresh not killing her, Haymitch consistently giving her support, her mother teaching her aspects of medicine, on and on and on) and Peeta is the number one, most important part of her luck in the first book. She has someone in the games actively putting her life before his… are you kidding? There is legitimately no better luck than that.

3. Even if we take Katniss out of it, Peeta is so impactful as a victor because most of his scenes would not be cut/doctored. What’s there to edit out? Instead, the viewers get a full view of him loving a girl so selflessly, using trickery and strategy instead of violence, keeping himself alive through art, joking on literal death’s door, and sharing so much of himself with the audience it becomes harder for them not to see him as a real human boy. How rare do you think that is for the games? Haymitch and LGB are caricatures of themselves in the games, playing roles that flatten them down. Even Katniss becomes one dimensional on screen without Peeta (and Rue, of course). It is also heavily implied that he does not kill anyone during the games (in a straightforward way) and even if you count Cato or the girl from 8 or even foxface, it’s never him hunting them or seeking out a kill - again how rare do you think that is to see on screen for Games viewers?

4. I didn’t think this needed to be said but: Katniss dies without Peeta in the first games. a) she goes for the bow and dies in the bloodbath; b) she is hunted and killed by Careers; c) she is killed by game makers because there’s no love story angle to keep them from just burning her entirely; d) she dies from tracker jacker stings or Cato because Peeta doesn’t defend her or tell her to run… I could go on…

5. But even if she does win and wins alone - the victory means as much (I would argue less than) any other rebellious victor winning, certainly less than Haymitch’s win. The biggest rebellion for their games is that two of them win! This is legit the only thing that distinguishes them from any other sympathetic, kind child who would have won the games. Like if Haymitch or Finnick or Wiress winning isn’t jarring enough for the Games to end… why do you think Katniss killing Peeta and winning solo would be? It would not.

6. And finally, I cannot stress this enough: There is no peaceful end to the rebellion or the trilogy without Peeta. “Peeta’s a whiz with fires” (HG) for a reason! Collins, over and over, shows us how fire can get out of control and destroy even those who are innocent and who you love (Gale, Beete, Peeta’s family, Haymitch’s family). If everyone really burns, there’s no one to clean the ashes. The reason not everyone burns is because of people like Peeta who can coax the flames in a way that is nurturing and consistent. I mean…. “Peeta fashioned some kind of incubator” is such an obvious detail. Those goslings don’t hatch without Peeta, life does not go on in peace and joy without Peeta.

It is no coincidence that when Maysilee says Lenore Dove got the “jump on us all” (in being a rebel), she is referring to LD using orange paint to make protest art!

We must stop pushing Peeta Mellark out of the narrative! He is literally the sunset on the reaping!

Anonymous asked:

to be honest I didn't understand what we were supposed to be doing for the event task... i didn't even notice that it was a task until today and I keep track of the fandom all the time. I think we need to organize better, translation posts with instructions and WHY we're doing it (brand rep, getting the poses etc) should help maybe. Also I think quoting with "mission 1...etc etc..." should help everybody to understand what's going on. There is not many things happening more casual fans won't get it so easily me thinks

i think most people only noticed that there were missions when they saw that the other couples were getting their third's when fk's were still far behind in their first one.

trust me when i say that even thai fans are pissed off with how much this brand want us to engage. not only they have multiple missions with high interaction numbers, they also post if you failed to reach the marks.

them being toxic doesn't change the fact that that is how they measure interest, though. i've said this before, and i know it's annoying to trend (and stressful as well, so don't force yourself if you're not up to that), especially when it's for events, but also, we do know that brands and gmm keep track of those things to measure engagement and engagement is important if we want to keep seeing them acting.

soms were never the exemplary of fandom discipline (jd's fandom were carrying it during thk with the massive trending accounts and all of that), but also, this whole thing of having to trend to measure how successful a couple or a show is is also fairly new. don't stress too much, let who wants to participate know it's a thing, and we'll see if we'll get the numbers. with time, we'll get better at it, and especially bc we'll have to trend for ourselves during cat for cash, see this as practice.

Anonymous asked:

I love that you added kinky to the list when describing pamrak. May their kinkiness save them from a penultimate episode breakup 🙏🏽😆


ngl, their kinkiness might as well be one of the most refreshing things i've seen recently from a wlw couple. we need more women being freaks with each other. that's why i'm excited for girl rules!!!!! i trust jojo to let them be a little freaky (who do we think will be the kinkiest and why is it gorya?)

Anonymous asked:

I'm the carnal eyes anon and you absolutely nailed it. This is exactly what I was hoping for. Thank you love you owe you my life I miss sandray (I love your tags so so much lmao not just for this post for all of them but especially for this one )

i'm so very glad that you liked anon. like i've said, i went a like astray from your original request, but i'm happy that you didn't mind the horniness.

i also miss sandray a normal amount is what i got while making this (she says as she misses them a completely abnormal amount actually). and i must say, too, i was really inspired when i was writing those tags apparently, and while i'm not a mpreg enthusiast, i'm 100% sure those were his exact thoughts.

Anonymous asked:

Oh fuck fuck fuck I forgot about that part of Pluto 🤦🏽‍♀️ they really did tear them apart in episode 11 didn’t they 😭😭.

Ok I take back what I said and instead will be keeping my mouth shut 🤐.

(*They’re about to be even more domestic and cute in the next episode, don’t hurt them please 🙏🏽*)


it has been months and i'm still traumatized by the way they made oonmay break up. it makes my head hurt every time i remember film in the ground crying, i'm so serious.

(and it doesn't help that us and pluto were written by the same author - at least their script writers are different)

BUT LISTEN!!! pamrak have proved to be the most mature of the gmm gl couples. they are sweet loving communicative and kinky, they have it all. they won't disappoint us. i know they won't.

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