what was found is lost

@kissycat / kissycat.tumblr.com

25 he. They consider one another in the often harsh light of how the world is.

the world should be ready for midnight riverdale screenings it needs to enter the cult mainstream we as a society should do everything in our power to run like riverdale marathons at your local falling apart movie theater hosted by drag queen cheryl blossom with like themed skits and commentary from various drag performers themed blue drinks maple flavored whatever it should be an event step aside the room rocky horror whatever else you havent seen anything til u have seen the 8 hour riverdale season 3 supercut with commentary from drag king archie drag queen cheryl and straight kevin drunk on maple rum and then they bring out the gargoyle king puppet

It's so funny when naruto (no siblings and no way of conceptualising strong feelings about another boy because he doesnt know being gay is possible) says "you're like a brother to me sasuke ๐Ÿฅบ" and sasuke (brother killed his whole family) is like ๐Ÿ˜

I feel like normies think of tumblr as the fanart and aesthetic and gifset website but real tumblrinas know that our most culturally significant output and our lifeblood is the humble text post

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