there’s something about the casual intimacy of jimmy and kim’s phone calls in season one and how that shows the depth and history of their relationship maybe more than anything else we see.... like there’s the pedicure scene and the mailroom flashbacks and the kiss when he passes the bar and tons of other little giveaways but also. she calls him up and wants to go to a movie and buy him dinner like they do that all the time. he says hello with a “hey gorgeous” and she immediately knows he wants something. i don’t even have to go over the dirty talking. the long-standing Routine of it all that their phone conversations imply.... a decade of loving each other

last week working with the milf.. pour one out for the past two years of my young life

Anonymous asked:

hi sorry this is so very odd and specific to ask but my brain associates this with you the most of the people i follow. do you or any of your mutuals/followers remember a few years ago there was a text meme here where the alex turner alexa chung love letter poem was translated to russian with a text like ”letter my russian grandma alexandra turnerova wrote to her secret lover” something something etc etc. i need to find it so bad. do you know what i’m talking about

i have NO memory of this but i really love that you associate this with me more than anyone else. friends foes and followers does anyone have this post

not sure whether it’s better or worse that this combo is always unintentional

Anonymous asked:

what did you think of babel?

i thought the story was good and found the world building really interesting but it’s just not for me when an author feels the need to have their characters explicitly say in dialogue every ten pages that colonialism is bad and the evil characters are evil. like if you write with the undercurrent of trying to make your novel ironclad against criticism from perpetually online twitter users maybe you should not be writing novels


You wrote about murder?? Murder is illegal?? You wrote about this dude killing someone and you didn’t even say ‘murder is bad’ at the start of the book, wht wtf, wtf is wrong with you? I can’t believe you condone murder, I can’t believe you’re pro murber, oh my fucking God don'ttalk to me when ou literally kill people, freak. I’m calling the cops, what the fuck, I’m shaking and crying.

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