Leverage: Redemption is returning with season 3 on April 17 and we here at leveragecentral would love to build a little bit of anticipation leading up to the premiere.
So we've come up with some prompts that we want to encourage anyone to use in the week before the first episode drops. Any kind of creation is welcome - from gifsets over picspams to analysis and simple shout-outs.
The tag will be #levcountdown and here are the prompts:
Day 1 (Thursday, April 10th) โต Favorite Character / Sophie Devereaux Appreciation Day 2 (Friday, April 11th) โต Favorite Dynamic / Parker Appreciation Day 3 (Saturday, April 12th) โต Favorite Episode / Eliot Spencer Appreciation Day 4 (Sunday, April 13th) โต Favorite Outfit / Alec Hardison Appreciation Day 5 (Monday, April 14th) โต Favorite Quotes / Breanna Casey Appreciation Day 6 (Tuesday, April 15th) โต Favorite Alias / Harry Wilson Appreciation Day 7 (Wednesday, April 16th) โต Free Day
Don't forget to tag #levcountdown and for good measure maybe also #leveragecentral in all your creations. We're looking forward to it!!