
as evening falls

@mareyshelley / mareyshelley.tumblr.com

marey. writer. historian. tired. she/her. 21+.

Mike Flanagan's The Haunting of Hill House, The Haunting of Bly Manor, Midnight Mass & The Fall of the House of Usher.

"I learned a secret. There's no without. I am not gone. I'm scattered into so many pieces, sprinkled on your life like new snow." / "Funerals are for the living. It's up to the living to decide what they can and cannot bear." / "Rebirth, resurrection, eternal life. Life that rises again, even out of blackness. Love rises again, even out of sin." / "I'm going home to my husband, my kids, their kids. I'm the richest man in the world."

Fandom is so different now and it’s becoming un-fun with how quickly shit moves.

I just want to enjoy things. I don’t want to have to play a game of Artist-Race that seems to be afoot lately.

Ya’ll eat up fandoms, leave artists and writers bone dry and then move on so fucking quickly then fucking wonder where all the Good Fandom Stuff is.

Idk Maybe cherish some things for longer. Reblog stuff. Interact with people. Comment and share.

Fandom is Capitalism now and I’m not being nuanced.

people also seem obsessed with only Doing Fandom about currently active works?

“oh, I’m so sad that show ended! I really miss the fandom!” who said you have to leave, coward


Fun fact: You are part of keeping a fandom alive. Every interaction, every person in a fandom has their own part to play. If that’s reblogging art, fanfics or making cursed edits, that’s good enough.

Fandom is for community, not consumption.

Fandom is for community, not consumption.

Fandom is for community, not consumption.

get to know me: favorite films [3/?] » Crimson Peak (2015) ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Ghosts are real. This much, I know. There are things that tie them to a place, very much like they  do to us. Some remain tethered to a patch of land, a time and date, the spilling of blood, a terrible crime. There are others. Others that hold onto an emotion, a drive, loss, revenge or love.

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