
you traded my soul for pogs?

@marthajefferson / marthajefferson.tumblr.com

YOU TRADED MY SOUL FOR POGS?! solenne - europe - she/her - i use this blog to post my ridiculous works or to reblog nice edits/pictures

my top hobbies are shame and embarrassment but i also occasionally dabble in envy

been getting into regret recently i think i've got a knack for it

I am finished with myself, with my sacrifices and my pity, with what chains me. I am going to make a new beginning.

Anaรฏs Nin, from The Unexpurgated Diary of Anaรฏs Nin, 1931-1932

In 2017, American film researchers recovered โ€œSomething Good โ€“ Negro Kiss,โ€ a short film depicting a playful kiss between a Black couple which had not seen the light of day for more than a century. A long-forgotten artifact from the earliest years of American film, the sweet, humanizing vignette, produced by the Selig Polyscope Company, makes a startling contrast to the overwhelmingly racist and blackface-ridden contempory portrayals of African Americans. Four years later in 2021, archivists in Norway, halfway across the world, identified a sister short in their collectionsโ€”an extended alternate cut which reveals more of Chicago stage performers Gertie Brown and Saint Suttleโ€™s vaudeville-like routine, a theatrical, hot-and-cold romantic dynamic between two lovers which parodies the popular and controversial short โ€œThe Kissโ€ (1896). Both films, which had previously been lost, were known from entries in old motion picture catalogs but had been assumed to be era-typical, anti-Black โ€œrace filmsโ€ until their rediscovery in the 21st century. Together with its more famous sibling, which has since been inducted into the Library of Congressโ€™ National Film Registry, this alternate version of โ€œSomething Goodโ€ represents the first-known instance of Black intimacy ever captured on-screen.

SOMETHING GOOD [Alternate Version] (1898) Directed by William Selig

Made for myย Metal and Jewelry Class. Iโ€™ve been collecting pigeon feathers for a couple of years now they just fascinate me. One day I found a whole wing just lying on the street,ย so I made it into an art piece to show people how I see pigeons. Mostย people seem to hate them, but I see them as something beautiful and poetic.ย 

human brain is so easy to manipulate its stupid. sun is out longer in evening = life is worth living...read some negative social media posts = everybody hates me...read one interesting article = i have the scholar's ambition

i hate it when people are writing a long ass thing and start a parenthetical aside and forget to close parentheses it makes me feel like i cant escape from the sentence

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