
forever is the sweetest con

@missmurdrs / missmurdrs.tumblr.com

things to do when your day's been bad

  • lie down on the floor beside your bed
  • take a shower, use the good soap
  • listen to a song you liked ages ago
  • write your thoughts out in all caps
  • draw a head and then 'decorate' that head however you're feeling (I drew a man with a hole for a face. It worked)
  • listen to a song and try to focus on one (1) instrument at a time, baseline, drums, guitar, another guitar, repeating sound effect
  • wash your face
  • take a nap or go to bed early
  • call someone. tell them about your horrible day or let them talk about theirs or both
  • go through your camera roll (specifically the screenshots folder)
  • go through your saved instagram posts / tumblr likes
  • watch That One Really Great Live Performance of That Artist You Love, then read the comments of everyone having great taste like you do
  • cry a little about it
  • remember that this day will end and another will begin. it'll be all new, never experienced before, no bad things will have happened, and you'll be okay.
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