• about: candi. twenties. capricorn.
• other blogs: @userlorelai & @stars-hallows
• blog: aesthetic. photography. typography. fashion. music.
• about: candi. twenties. capricorn.
• other blogs: @userlorelai & @stars-hallows
• blog: aesthetic. photography. typography. fashion. music.
Florence and the Machine ― How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful
things to do when your day's been bad
Joan Didion, from The Year of Magical Thinking
Marie Howe, from Magdalene: Poems; “Walking Home”
respect your decision to grow. never go back to people, habits, and situations that made you miserable.
you won't find happiness where you lost it
ID credit: 109775080 on 小红书
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more alice in wonderland pngs ! credit not necessary for pngs! like or reblog to use, don't repost as your own please.
this color on sabrina >