
welcome to my mind cave

@moths-and-crows / moths-and-crows.tumblr.com

they/fae/she | do not send me donation asks | extremely obsessed with will wood | header made by @tinysweetvoid

Pinned post!! hello! i'm alive!

you can call me August, pronouns are they/fae/she

I love to write but i'm so bad at plot so i usually just end up with half-finished planners

I love fiber arts! As of right now I only know how to crochet, but I really want to learn how to sew, embroider, knit, macrame, etc.

Media I like (i can't find a better way to phrase this 😭)

  • AJW BOOKS!!!!!! highly highly highly recommend his books (hell followed with us, the spirit bares its teeth, and compound fracture) just make sure to read the trigger warnings/authors note
  • Deep into my will wood hyperfixation (potentially special interest?? idfk) right now
  • Camp Here and There!!!!!!!!!
  • Life in the World to Come is my comfort podcast i love it so much

i think sydney was the type of kid to steal stickers from the dollar store and hand them out to people at lunchtime in elementary school

Anonymous asked:

by the way, even if you don't post this i just wanna put it out there

you are a REALLY cool creator. not only is camp here n there itself just a masterpiece in my opinion, but i love how you interact so closely with the fandom and support their art. and, you inspire a lot of people (including me) to create their own art and stories

so like thank you man for just being AWESOME

I usually keep nice messages in my box for looking later, but yes PLEASE MAKE STORIES. MAKE THEM LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT‼️ Even if the only people who hear about your ideas are a groupchat of friends who hype you up and make playlists with you... if all that comes out of it is a few wild scribbles in your notebook... if you literally just sit and stare at a wall and think about it, that's all going to enrich your life.

If it's just a self insert to get you through a hard time, or a fanfiction with the serial numbers scraped off because you want to explore something a little different.. DO IT! No idea or concept is sacred. Make new things forever and ever.

It is so wildly cathartic, even as a passive hobby. I have a lot of bark and bite about professional releases and clumsy storytelling practices that I will grumble about, but that's more criticism regarding the display of storytelling as a craft. I deeply respect the sort of aura that a well-loved character has, akin to an imaginary friend or a grimy stuffie.

We are sitting on the floor together clacking toy dolls around and making fake explosion noises. It's all playing.


The spirit of this reminded me of a fun story: When I was 14, I was very into Neko Atsume. An acquaintance and I were most fond of Miss Fortune and Lexy, since Lexy had "expensive tastes" as her trait, and Miss Fortune was clearly... of fortune. We had this whole world AU where Lexy and Miss Fortune were lesbians, with Fortune being a business CEO type and Lexy being her sugar girlfriend. We did honest to god angsty roleplays of these two. From Neko Atsume. And we had fun.

You really can make anything, and enjoy doing it. If you're worried that your self insert or whatever is cringe, you cannot go lower than Neko Atsume lesbian Skype roleplay. And I had a great time too. That's the funniest part. It was awesome.


fun fact: the slur song nearly caused the death of me & one of my best friends


i was driving with a friend and sharing a bag of those chalky conversation candy hearts with her, and letting her control the music bc i was behind the wheel, and as i was directing her to queue up songs from the great gatsby she noticed that the slur song was in my library… and i thought nothing of it, we listened to like 3 songs from gatsby

and then i crunch on a heart at the exact same moment as i hear

in this training module (2.5—)

and i LOST MY SHIT and choked on the heart laughing, coughed my guts out for like 3 minutes and nearly crashed the car

omg that is so funny but im glad i didn't kill u!


Hey everyone, Dave wants to know if #SlurMasturbationChallenge is something that would go viral on this "app". Could be the next planking or icebucket.

Torn between introducing Dave to the concept of irony or seeing how far this rabbit hole will go

CONSIDER: yes #slurmasturbationchallenge would go viral. but have u considered an alternate title: all nut april. get it like no nut november. you should fire dave and hire me

Worst part is I did not hire Dave I just hit him up for advice but I am sorely tempted to keep working with him just to keep these unhinged suggestions rolling


i spoke to a music business person and they said i should try to stay relevant by posting things that seem intimate yet relatable to fans in a way that makes them feel like we're connecting on a deep level, so just letting you guys know i did a really good cum yesterday hope that makes you stream my song <3

I think he likes it

I really feel like the posts by bigfoots biggest fan speak to me. They like to cum, I like to cum too!

They are so relatable, I really want to listen to more of their music now!

Yay, thankyou! Survey to help prove to the music executives how much people love Bigfoot's Biggest Fan and/or cumming:


fascinated by the nurse who did my mental health assessment who was apparently so allergic to the concept of they/them pronouns that they unprompted decided i'm a she/he instead. it's so bizzare it kind of loops back around to based tbh. i'll take it.

[Image IDs: three sections of text: "He describes her pace as very slow;" "He takes her medications on her own accord" Suicidal Ideation: She sometimes has thoughts of ending his life" /end]

Me when my medical practitioner is a time traveller from 1732

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