


Hiya! Welcome to my blog where you’ll find art, writing, memes, and other cool stuff. My art blog is @mythmica-draws btw. Now go be awesome.

Very controlled, put-together, cold characters losing it™️ is one of thee sexiest things in fiction

It doesn’t even have to be angry!

Like, stoic characters finally feeling comfortable enough to cry, whether it be stifled sobs or labored wails of grief? Immaculate.

Serious characters falling apart because a pun caught them off guard? Stunning.

Strong characters falling onto a couch/bed and immediately falling asleep because they just can’t keep their eyes open a moment longer? Beautiful.

Icy characters being caught with a passion of theres, like a specific show or interest, and then launching into an excited, almost kid-like rant once given the opportunity like it was the first time anyone has shown any interest in their pastimes while a person attentively listens? And then they are like, “Oh, sorry, I...I tend to ramble. Forgive me.” And the other person just has stars in their eyes? Spectacular.

I love this post, but I raise you:

Emotionally constipated characters feeling any emotion is one of the sexiest things in fiction.


I want to preface this by saying this is not victim blaming. This not calling people online lazy or grifting or whatever.

But an underlooked proponent on why some people are nearing homeless and crowdfunding heavily rn is bc society has failed you by making it as inconvenient as possible to learn about social systems and programs that already exist to help your situation as well as not having enough programs and aid.

Lemme give some examples. I have been unemployed for 10 months. My mom told me about a paying job training program a month ago after I already decided to mive in with her to find work, because nothing was coming up in my own city. My best friend didn’t know about affordable housing assistance in my state until she talked to my dad about it on a chance encounter. Some people on here have to see posts about much cheaper alternatives to their current prescriptions or medical plans because its not in the interest of their doctors paychecks to tell them about it. I would have waited to get vaccinated and not have crowdfunded for Uber money if I had known they were going to give free vaccine rides the next month. But I wouldn’t have really known this until I opened the app once that program started, because it is in their interest to keep taking my money until its their desired time for me to reap their “generous” services.

What I’m trying to say is that this is an under discussed aspect of how capitalism fails people. When you are forced to make your life and work and finances so singular and self interested, you are cut off from community and equivalent social services to proper government assistance. You literally don’t know that there is help somewhere out there for you unless you’re told.

I believe a professor I had called this “cultural wisdom” but I haven’t been able to find the social science articles that expanded on this. It’s a practical knowledge of local systems that allows someone to function and thrive in that system. The example she used was having an understanding that banks can hold your money, but the practical aspect of accessing your money (in a convenient and easy manor) was knowing about ATMs and how to use them. But unless you have an account or someone ready to inform you, there’s no dedicated time or milestone where someone learns this.

And that’s just with a machine designed to give you YOUR money, let alone complex social service programs.

I want everyone who crowdfunds for hospital bills to know they probably don’t have to oay them at all. Just find the financial aid office of the hospital. It’s on the website BY LAW. Find the form. Fill it out. Get the bills canceled or lowered! You don’t need crowd money, you need the government’s money that’s already set aside for your medical care.

GO TO, MESSAGE, OR CALL YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY. Libraries are focusing more and more on community resources, support, and outreach. If you genuinely don’t know something or feel uncertain or are in a new situation, a reference librarian will not only help you sort your thoughts through their reference interview but then help you arm yourself with knowledge from reliable and often local sources. It doesn’t even have to be a question to Ask A Librarian. You can simply say “I’m in this situation now. I don’t know what to do next./I’m not confident I know everything I should or want to know.”

If you are in America - 211 is your friend. It’s the United Way’s database of social assistance resources. When I was doing resource development for my masters in social work 211 was my holy grail. And there’s things that only workers know about that just calling and asking can reach cuz it sets off the social service phone tree. I will say YOU have to be persistent of you want to access these resources. Most of the ngo agencies are most interested in helping the pro-active clients in my experience. But do use the resources. They’re golden.

anyway did i ever tell you guys about how I owe my life to an enderman when playing minecraft

i didn't even know that this was possible but I had to say thank you looking at the damn ground

*whispers behind you*

....your welcome.

great when my own post circles back onto my dash somehow from non-mutuals and i see new additions every time

If there's one thing that warms my heart a bit, it's how much players have always loved Endermen.

I've been playing minecraft since before wolves were added. I remember Endermen coming out, and just how much me and my siblings loved them. We were hardly alone. They're one of the most popular mobs in the game.

Because here's the thing about Endermen, they were the very first mob added to minecraft that felt ALIVE. They came before villagers, back when piglins were pigmen and only existed in zombie form, back before there was anything even remotely human that you could vibe with. Even after Villagers, even after Piglins, there's still something special to Endermen that captures players' hearts.

I think it comes down to the fact that Endermen are functionally useless to the player if you don't murder them. They can't trade or barter with you. They have no dungeons or fortresses for you to take from. They can even be quite annoying depending on what blocks you make builds out of. Endermen have little regard for the concept of personal property.

But, despite all of that, an Enderman isn't hostile to you by default. You never have to fight them. All they ask is that you look away. As long as you do that, then they're more than content to exist in your presence. Going about their day, doing their own thing, picking up blocks and moving them around.

And people love them. They love these alien creatures who have nothing to offer but their existence. I know so many players who go out of their way to not bother Endermen when they encounter one. Players who find one and keep it in a boat just to have some company. Endermen are adored by players just for being there.

Why? Because we were alone. We were alone in a world, and then we weren't. Endermen are strange and useless and dangerous but they are alive. They made us less alone. They were willing to exist with us peacefully when nothing else was. And that was more than enough to prove their value. They were friends to us, because they were there.

Even after we got villagers, even after we got piglins, maybe even after we found other players and servers and worlds upon worlds of other people, we never forgot our first friends. The ones who we didn't understand, who would attack us for a glance, but who were there when nobody else was. They were there, they existed, and we didn't need anything else to love them.

Mojang: We will make the Endermen more scary by not letting you look at them! If you look you get attacked! How spooky!

The entire minecraft community: We have a friend??? They Pick Up Blocks?? All I have to do is not look? Fair and valid. I am looking away from my new friends respectfully so they can Pick Up Blocks.

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