
@narrativenjoyer / narrativenjoyer.tumblr.com

tori | late 20s | bi | she/they | white

also argued with my dad and brother about ai. my brother's argument was more or less "it's neat" to which I say, I guess but it's not really particularly useful to the layman it's just kinda a novelty and is a waste of resources. and my dad's was "there's so much it could do!" and to that I say okay but is it doing that? like truly, is anyone actually doing those things? is that where the money in ai is going? is that a good use of resources? like there are obvious use cases for ai technology but most of those are specialized, and not where the energy and funding in the industry are going.

and like ai is in some ways similar to the idea of using brain chips to help people with disabilities in the sense that... sure it would be neat if that were a viable thing. but yknow what would be good and very much attainable with current technology? working on things like prosthetics and other more "simple" accessibility tech. making those things better and more affordable. and like there's all kinds of lofty things ai could hypothetically do one day but you know what could be done today? literally just.. so many things that would be more useful. so fucking many.


also argued with my dad and brother about ai. my brother's argument was more or less "it's neat" to which I say, I guess but it's not really particularly useful to the layman it's just kinda a novelty and is a waste of resources. and my dad's was "there's so much it could do!" and to that I say okay but is it doing that? like truly, is anyone actually doing those things? is that where the money in ai is going? is that a good use of resources? like there are obvious use cases for ai technology but most of those are specialized, and not where the energy and funding in the industry are going.


with very few exceptions I cannot stand first person narration


my brother was like maybe the text message scandal will force hegseth out of office, he's an incompetent, bloodthirsty white nationalist, and so forth, and I was just like..... who do you imagine is going to replace him? someone who's exactly the same, but maybe slightly more polished. maybe. and like yeah, the administration is incompetent, and I guess it's good to highlight that they're stupid enough to do all this on signal chat or whatever. he and my dad are like "people need to know so they can vote him out" and just like. supposing there is another election. the already weighted electoral scales are going to be even further fucked after another four years of tinkering, and even then democrats are only nominally better. and also that journalist is a fucking clown who would have given the water gate tapes back like here mr nixon (: or kept a couple of the tapes to embarrass him but made sure to hand all of the truly damning stuff back.


It breaks my heart to see that the world is such that there is no one to hold the Zionist state and the US empire accountable. The Zionists keep on crying about October 7th and the hostages, and every Western institution keeps on coddling them. There has been no genuine acknowledgement of the fact that the British government implanted an illegal settler colony in Palestine and that settler colony forced the native people out of their homes in 1948. There has been no genuine acknowledgent of the horrors of the Nakba, no acknowledgement of ethnic cleansing, no acknowledgement of the destruction of the land in trying to hide the genocide of 1948 through greenwashing, there has been no acknowledgement of the fact that Gaza has been an open air prison, and that Hamas has every right to push back against the oppression of the Zionist state. Right now another genocide is being carried out in front of our eyes, with enthusiastic encouragement from the Western world, the most complicit being the USA. It was always about re-occupation of Gaza and today the Zionist state violated the ceasefire. I am scared for my friends. I am terrified and I do not know how to help except to keep the fundraisers circulating.

And please keep requesting a refund from both of his gofundme campaigns, that were shut down unfairly by the fundraising site. I do not care how long you have to go back and forth with gofundme on this, but Siraj lost 32k because of the site's callousness and even recovering half of that money would mean a lot. So if you have donated in November, December of 2024 and in January of this year, please request a refund because Gofundme allows requests upto a year. They should by their own policy still have the money with them. Please help by clicking on the links above...

Only €10 in the last day. Please keep boosting. Please donate. Siraj has been trying to get to 4.5k


whenever I leave a review on a book I go and look at other reviews but I skip 4 and 5 star reviews because they won't generally have anything interesting to add and I wanna see what other people didn't like in it to see if I missed something or forgot something, or if my frustrations with a given book are shared by fellow haters, etc


Breaking News 🥺😢💔💔💔

Gaza under fire again‼️‼️

✅️Vetted by @gazavetters , my number verified on the list is ( #523)

We wake up afraid from bombing and unfortunately the war return again. 💔💔💔

I'm so afraid about my family and my kids please help us evacuate from this place we are crying now and screaming because of the strength of bombing around us.

please help us everything is very dangerous and we return to the killing people. you can support us and my family by donating or sharing my compaign.


me: I have GOT to get weirder!

also me when I do get weirder: *visibly shaking* I'm going to be killed with hammers by everyone for being a freak.


really these books aren't great but they scratch a similar itch to leverage of like. benevolent crime and absurd hijinks. plus romance novel. I am a simple man and they hit a very specific niche for me


one of the most enduringly obnoxious things about algorithmic feeds is that there is genuinely no amount of blocking and tailoring and "not interested in this" and "show me less content like this" that will ever ever convince the algorithm that you don't want to be shown content promoting weight loss

"this but with true crime" "this but with harry potter" "this but with fast food" nope! sorry, but no. i assure you that whatever has been pushed into your various social media feeds lately with irritating frequency is not as inescapable as weight loss ads. i assure you it is not promoted by every single website you frequent to the same degree as weight loss ads. and i assure you it has not done half the damage to you and everyone around you as weight loss ads. this is a post about weight loss ads

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