


hi!! you can call me Mystic :3

☆ Multifandom! <3

☆ I ramble like.. wayy too much. idk how to be concise;; (like here ahah)

☆ I like drawing but my motivation's kinda shot lol

☆ I have anxiety (among some other things) so I might overthink small stuff,,

☆ Constant brainrot over Lemon Demon

☆ I'm 18 but I sure don't fuckin feel like it

☆ My blog is kind of a mess. sorry about that. so many reblogs ...


I've seen Queenie's eyes placed incorrectly in many pieces of art and have been guilty of this myself, LMAO


I hate bill cipher so much I hate him I hate him I hate him so muchhh I hate himmmm

he be jammin'

okay so I've been meaning to up the quality of my youtube videos for awhile and i wanted to add this lil guy in the corner of my speedpaints, just for sillies.

i've also been considering making voice-overs for my speedpaints, just providing some fun commentary on subjects. maybe finally make that anti-ai video i talked about once

as for what else will be posted to my youtube?


idk we'll see

i really want to get back on animating on FlipaClip bc its really nostalgic (even though they seem. very money hungry suddenly) but i'm not fully sure what'd I'd make

i mean tiktok is regressing back to 2020 maybe ill make animation memes again IDK we'll see

have Mascot jamming for now


chat should i redraw one of my old ass sparkledog ocs from when i was twelve

i did it! if u have name ideas pls share bc idk what to call them

Anonymous asked:

now I’m imagining RGB taking those buzz feed quizzes that’s are like “what kind of bread are you?” and him getting mad because he is NOT a bagel

RGB is 100% a bagel though


Hm. Your interpretation of this character displeases me. Guards! Take them away! Make them read the source material once more, and if that fails, the stocks.

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