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27 / Potemkin laborer

They really set it up like the brothers from white lotus were going to fully fuck each other. Disappointing honestly


The McDonald’s french fry is unbelievable. When you bite into it, you think: It’s so tasty, it can’t be real. As soon as it gets cold, it turns to lard and flubble. I mean, have you ever tried to eat a McDonald’s french fry that’s gone cold? That’s one of the circles of hell. The gulf between the warm, fresh, lightly salted McDonald’s french fry and the cold McDonald’s french fry is as great a gulf as any I know. - Viggo Mortensen, Esquire magazine (x)


I’m reading that new memoir about working at Facebook,”Careless People,” and it’s just fucking insane.

At one point Facebook wanted to be an international hub for organ donation. The β€œLean In” lady asked why she couldn’t go down to Mexico and buy a kidney if her four year old needs one. This is literally on p.57. What the fuck else is going to be in this book if that is on page 57

Facebook also had to have protocols for armed raids of its foreign offices because they violated so many laws or failed to pay taxes or comply with other official protocols!! How is this a company that still exists!!!

β€œDoing jail time in a foreign country is not a reasonable ask from your bosses” β€” legitimately an argument the author’s husband had to have with her!!

Is this what gilded age readers felt like when they read Upton Sinclair’s β€œThe Jungle”???

Though strangely nothing Mark Zuckerberg does is worse than Sheryl Sandburg, who comes across as an unhinged hypocrite who uses her uncontrollable anger issues to cultivate a reign of terror, I am just… baffled and appalled at how much Zuckerberg does not care about the world outside of Silicon Valley. There have already been two instances of him trying to wear a hoodie to state visits, and not in a Zelenskyy protest way. He just doesn’t like clothes that are not hoodies.

Wow they just abandoned a team member in the middle of an out of control crowd in Indonesia! Horrible company!

Guess who Mark Zuckerberg thinks is the best president of all time?

Hint: it’s Andrew Jackson!

Another mind-boggling line: β€œI think the point at which you have to explain Nuremberg to the head of the team leading your China entry is probably a red flag.”

Real exchange that happened between book author and the head of the DC office:

This conference room detail seems like too much for satire. But it isn’t!

This book has gotten so insane I can’t even summarize anymore. I can only post photos of this moment where Sheryl Sandberg wears her pajamas on a private jet and tries to make her heavily pregnant employee cuddle in bed with her on a flight back to California from Davos, Switzerland.

Following this, we discover that Sheryl says, β€œyou should have gotten in the bed,” and ices out the narrator. Sheryl also has her assistant Sadie buy $10k of lingerie for her, and $3k of lingerie for herself, after which Sadie has to go to her house to model the lingerie and stay overnight. What the actual fuck.

Woooow FB knew the whole time that Trump was using trolls and spreading disinformation before the 2016 election but because they were making so much money off of it, they were just fine with it. They completely ignored the author pointing out how Duterte had done the same thing.

Direct quote on p 251: β€œOutrage is a lucrative business for Facebook right now, a month before the election….”



when each sip of the tallboy from the gas station six pack tastes slightly of incense because it sat on the shelf so long


My annual spring/summer nonfiction read. Highly recommend, especially if you are fascinated by our current crop of california tech freak overlords and the petri dish of eugenics, pseudoscience and real science that makes them the way they are


obviously haaretz is haaretz and has a vested interest in maintaining the state of israel but it's still so fucking insane that half the headlines they publish if you tried to put out those stories in an american newspaper it would 1) immediately get killed by an editor 2) get you fired or 3) if somehow against all odds actually published would get you arrested and deported

you literally could not print this in an american publication. you say this on an american college campus and get hunted every single day for two years. to be fair they HAVE been sanctioned and cut off by the israeli government but like that does not change the fact that the new york times simply would not print these stories

of course the atlantic always at the scene of the fucking crime. jeffrey goldberg living with that boot embedded in his craw absolutely fucking pathetic


It's so cunt that you can go to Reykjavik for a 24 hour layover to lower the price on your flight to Europe and then you'll recognize the sunrise skyline at the beach forever because there's like one beach on the whole island

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