
Malacath Witness These Hands


Skip. He/him. 31. Gay ace mute dude with fists for hands. I love orcs and I love punching. I have the stiff, lethargic body language of a neanderthal who hasn't thawed yet. I drive a 2003 Ford Tulpa. I can neither see nor hear Tom Hanks. Castaway was a very confusing film for me as I'm sure you can imagine.


If there's one thing you should know about me, it's that there are two things you should know about me, and those two things are my fists. Square up

gotham is filled with evil homosexuals so I think having a buff dude in high-tec latex underwear pinning them to the ground doesn't really help the crime situation actually

Reblogged asdra

adventure time slang is weird cuz like. when you first watch the show and hear the slang you're like "oh this is cringy slang but its not like awful" but it gets to a point where the voice actors deliver the slang so naturally you don't even notice it and its just. part of the world's vernacular. I can't think of any other show that's done in-universe slang like this

Finn: oh man the frappin dude just ginked up and went flipoo over the junkin fence

Me, 3 seasons into this show: wow he really did huh

It's true but it's also funnier knowing the storyboarders were usually just making Finn say fuck

this is math

i have spent years rewatching all 10 seasons and recording every expletive i hear in adventure time:

*being yelled at by a christian conversion therapist* "maids do not form ยซplatoonsยป, maids do NOT carry automatic firearms, and they CERTAINLY do not spray fairies with poisonous gas like common pests."

Raffle prize for @panz-norix ! Wasnโ€™t sure what kind of Dragonborn your dude is from the reference, so I went with a bit of a generic brass/bronze metallic color. Sorry if thatโ€™s not accurate! :)


To Help celebrate today, dusted off my first actual trans character whom doesnโ€™t get as much loving as he used to but he still holds a special place in my heart. He is my rabid lil trash man whom may be a super sexy powerful villain.ย 

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