
currently in shadowban hell


read my pinned post. terfs die challenge

alright chat lets do this one last time


[plaintext: welcome to the gamer zone]

for most information you can visit my strawpage, but i dont know if its mobile friendly so i will put the basics Here.

my name is Ben and my pronouns are he/him. Only he/him, no they/them please and thankies.

i am currently under 18

i have the cool guy disorder (autism) so tone tags are appreciated 🔥

im white and gentile. i support palestine (check out these links and donate if you can).

i post art occasionally aswell, new tag is #benny art. the old tags were #yeets art and #benjamins art

i do not have a dni, i will block you if i see fit 👍

[ID: a gif of a low poly reef shark spinning./end ID][ID: a gif of a low poly reef shark spinning./end ID]

(also you should all check out my best friends blog @buzzzingbee. theyre so awesome <3 <3 <3)

(also also you should go check out my batman sideblog @bennyheartbatman if you havent)

i am so serious when i say dark and quiet are both human rights.

i don't mean like absolute silence. obviously in an ideal community, there would still be sound and noise from people and music and work etc. but it haunts me that when i camp in the forest i can hear the howl of semi trucks on the interstate miles away. and the people who live beside it never know quiet. it haunts me that many people will live their whole lives never seeing the stars in the sky that were fully visible with NO electric light pollution as recently as my great-grandparents' childhoods.

so much of our lives is bright bright unnecessary noise. neon mcdonalds signs 200 feet in the air so we can see it from the road. led lights over billboards. parking lots lit up like sports stadiums at closed office buildings. advertisements playing at gasoline pumps. streets lined with led porch lights and decorative garden lights that genuinely threaten entire species of wildlife. music blaring outside pharmacies to deter homeless people. everything always shining and wailing for no purpose but profit and cruelty.

obviously not everything can be turned off or made quiet and i wouldn't want it to be anyway and there is a lot of nuance and room for "but what about" here, but MANY things HAVE to change because none of us are supposed to live like this and we shouldn't have to!!!

West Papua’s Indigenous people have called for a boycott of KitKat, Smarties and Aero chocolate, Oreo biscuits and Ritz crackers, and the cosmetics brands Pantene and Herbal Essences, over alleged ecocide in their territory.
All are products that contain palm oil and are made, say the campaigners, by companies that source the ingredient directly from West Papua, which has been under Indonesian control since 1963 and where thousands of acres of rainforest are being cleared for agriculture.
More than 90 West Papuan tribes, political organisations and religious groups have endorsed the call for a boycott, which they say should continue until the people of West Papua are given the right to self-determination.
Raki Ap, a spokesperson for the United Liberation Movement for West Papua, which is overseeing the call, said: “These products are linked to human rights violations, in the first place, because West Papuans are being forced, with violence, to get off the land where they’ve lived for thousands of years, which has now resulted in ecocide.
“This is a signal to the countries who are dealing with Indonesia, especially those in the Pacific region, to take notice of who they’re dealing with and how they are basically allowing Indonesia to continue the colonial project in West Papua, the human rights violations, and also ecocide.”
West Papuans say more than 500,000 of their people have been killed by the occupation in the past six decades, while millions of acres of their ancestral lands have been destroyed for corporate profit. Indonesia, already the world’s largest palm oil exporter, is now breaking ground in West Papua on the world’s biggest single palm oil plantation, as well as a sugar cane and biofuel plantation that will be the largest deforestation project ever launched.
“West Papuans’, especially the ULMWP, position is very clear: we are a modern-day colony,” said Ap, speaking from the Netherlands.
“Indonesia hijacked the right to self-determination in 1962 when the Netherlands and Indonesia signed an agreement without any consultation in West Papua … After that, in 1969, there was a so-called referendum, which wasn’t fair, which wasn’t under international law, one man, one vote: just 1,025 men were handpicked at gunpoint to vote for integration to Indonesia.
“So this is the foundation of the Indonesia’s colonial project. When we became part of Indonesia against our will, basically the genocide unfolded.”

also they should do another huge aquatic update i want there to be like a whole dimension's worth of content in the oceans

imagine if they made a new dimension that's entirely aquatic and when the portal activates, endless torrents of water flood through from the other side, so you'd have to make sure to build/activate the portal after constructing suitable infrastructure and channels around it to direct that water safely

I’ve been cackling about this for like five minutes now

[Video’s audio transcript:

*starts out a bit exasperated* O-Okay, let’s get into this, shall we?

*low, silly voice* Would you rather work for Lex Luthor or the Jok-

*exasperated, angry yelling* Lex Luthor! By like a fucking mile!

Yes, yes, working for Lex Luthor is basically like being an Amazon employee that makes weapons of mass destruction. Which is BAD.

Lex is like Donald Trump mixed with Mark Zuckerberg mixed with Jeffrey fucking Bezos, it’s NOT a great mix! He does not treat his henchmen well. Their lives still suck, and they are probably monitored on how long they take piss breaks for.

But let’s analyse what working for Lex Luthor is like, versus THE FUCKING JOKER.

With Lex you probably get a dental plan, a health plan, a paycheck, and the guy that you’re fighting really cares about human life. Superman will hit you just long enough to knock you out so you’re not a threat, so he can stop the problem.

If you work for the Joker, your payment is you’re not. Fucking. Dead. You say one wrong thing - bang! You don’t laugh at his jokes - bang! You do laugh at his jokes - bang! You think Joker gives a fuck about a henchman??!

Who’s Lex Luthor’s head man? It’s a woman, you sexist, her name is Mercy, she’s awesome!

Who’s Joker’s right hand man? Bob? Naw, he’s dead. Harley? Tried to kill her several times. Slappy? Who the fuck is slappy? The best case scenario working for the Joker is that you FIGHT the FUCKING BATMAN. And that presents its own fucking list of PROBLEMS. If you stop Superman as a Lex Luthor henchman, Lex will be PISSED but he’ll be at least happy that Superman was caught. If you stop BATMAN as a JOKER henchman, you better have a fucking coffin picked out YESTERDAY.

This isn’t a fun hypothetical question, this is a screening technique that the doctors at Arkham use to determine your mental health! There is a right and a wrong answer to this question and the correct one is Lex fucking Lu-thor!

Thank you for coming to my fucking TEDTAlk, have a nice day!

/end transcript.]


When people say "identifying as intersex is just like identifying as a man or a woman" they forget that

  1. Intersex is not a gender it's a descriptor for a person's body
  2. We have the words cis and trans to differentiate between whether or not someone was assigned or transitioned to a certain gender or bodily state This dichotomy does NOT EXIST for the term intersex. Intersex exclusively refers to a birth difference.
  3. There are like 12 different labels for transitioning to have mixed sex traits. Just use one of those.
  4. If intersex is used non-exclusively and just refers to any trans person, the only way we can talk about our unique struggles being born sex variant is to refer to ourselves with pathologizing terminology like DSD.


That is exactly how most "allies" see the fight for intersex liberation. Honestly most people in the queer community who haven't spoken to intersex activists don't actually understand what we're fighting for, or they think our violent medical suppression is a thing of the past.

I made this for a class assignment on what neurodivergent means to me

Update: I made a Shadow version :)

Edit: Hey guys if you're gonna repost my art on other platforms please ask me before hand, I'd like to know where it's going.

Plus it's fun for me to look at peoples responses on platforms I'm not on ♥️

Nothing will dispell the "the curtains were just blue" myth faster than writing something yourself, because the amount of pretentious symbolism i am putting in my silly little fanfics is ridiculous. I mean SO much with these words, literally every single one of them. This fic has twenty five typos and zero correct uses of punctuation but if there's curtains you bet your ass I put thought into what colour they were.

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