
greer's pet blog

@pangur-and-grim / pangur-and-grim.tumblr.com

Greer is a human illustrator, and Pangur, Grim and Belphie are feline monsters! if you're after pins, head over to greerstothers.shop (they/them s’il vous plaît)

The Auf: 40,000 words written (out of 70,000)

Short Story Compilation: 20,000 words written (out of 40,000)


Look at this creature. Behold this small man. In the face of it all* he does what he can. And every night, in spite of his scars, with all of his might he sings to the stars.

*Anodonthyla theoi is Critically Endangered due to habitat loss


Just in case anyone needs a reason to not feed wildlife- this story out of Washington is a pretty good reminder. This lady has been feeding raccoons for years and now she’s just had to call authorities for help because hundreds of them are parked out on her property and are so aggressive trying to get food that she can’t get into her house.

Neighbors have been reporting excessive raccoon mortality on the adjacent road and several attacks on pets, but still everyone on this video was just talking about how cute it is. Why can’t people see how unfair it is to disrupt an animal’s life like this? What do they think will happen to these raccoons? They should be scampering through a forest or marsh eating crayfish and berries and bugs, not hotdogs and cat food. This is a nightmare situation and it’s entirely one person’s fault.


I love to drink alcoholic clamato and inject testosterone and say "heyyy nooo" when cats bite my legs and ankles. it's about the small things in life.

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