dig me out!


audrey 🪲 24

Sandhill Cranes (Antigone canadensis), parents with “colts”, family Gruidae, order Gruiformes, Orlando, FL, USA

  • Crane chicks are referred to as “colts”.
  • Sandhill Cranes breed in the far north of North America, and overwinter in the southern US and northern Mexico.
  • There are small separate southerly breeding populations in Mississippi, Florida, and Cuba, as well.

photograph by Nicholas Horton

obviously the other contributing factor into why i’m watching it so often is mulholland drive happened to me. so have other lynch works to a lesser extent. the events don’t line up perfectly but they’re analogous enough to where i think if i made an autobiographical film in the alternate universe where i know how making a film works and have a genuine interest in that ppl would be like you’re ripping off lynch and it’s not subtle

i wouldn’t necessarily consider myself Anti Psychiatry even though i have deeply mixed feelings about having been in the psychiatric system since i was six years old (i am anti child psychiatry as it currently functions, without hesitation). but i think in 100 years, bpd as a diagnosis, specifically its classification as a personality disorder rather than a post traumatic condition, and how implicitly gendered it is, is one of those things people in psychiatry will look back on with a lot of embarrassment and shame

Reblogged gayzuko

throughout history, the wealthy and powerful tend to create a set of rules for themselves to follow- european gentry, for example, developed specific rules for speech, dress, eating, manners, etc etc. and to some extent these rules did restrain them, but at the same time, it gave them power- by following these rules, you show your status as someone with power, both to other powerful people, and to those of lower class. certainly there were nobles who chafed under these rules, but the vast majority of them, consciously or subconsciously, accept them as the price for power, even enjoyed performing them as a status symbol. it would be ridiculous to say that the nobility was oppressed by feudialism- they wielded incredible power and freedom to use that power to hurt others, even if they had to play by a handful of rules to do so.

this post is about men.

Hello! If you're looking for more ways to learn to ID birds by ear in addition to merlin, there are audio guides to birding by ear that have recordings plus methods to remember the differences between species. I personally used both a CD of peterson's guide and the john feith guide on spotify to learn for my ornithology fieldwork and highly recommend!


a guide on spotify you are a lifesaver!!! thank you so much :-) 💚💚💚


truly deeply off vibe emanating from chappell roan. i actually talked about this with a friend recently and it’s like her whole version of what it is to be a lesbian is just sticking it to men. like that’s more important to her than actually loving women. really weird!

rechecked my follower count. this struck a nerve i guess

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