We would like to announce the indefinite hiatus of The Plumbob Tea Society.
Our time on this blog has been wonderful and we’re happy to have had the opportunity to work on as many collaborations as we did together. But, as we have grown and expanded on this site and as a group, we have changed in our personal and creative lives as well. With those changes, it became harder to meet the demands of PTS and it shifted towards more of a working environment, rather than a friend environment. To put it plainly: We need to rest.
When we started PTS, we used it was a way of creating large-scale collaborations together and having fun. The moment it stopped being about that was the moment it was no longer sustainable. Going forward, we all agreed this was the best and least stressful option for us as a group and as friends.
For the time being, even though we won’t be bringing new content to the table through PTS, that doesn’t mean our members will stop creating on their own time! If you haven’t already, be sure to check out our Members and Contributors through the sidebar on our desktop theme.
For any questions in regards to existing content or bugs, please refer to both our FAQ and Bug Reporting pages. (For existing bugs, we encourage running batch fixes through Sims4Studio.) Our ask box is closed, but you’re free to send in submissions. Although, we cannot ensure they’ll be answered promptly.
This is not good bye, but rather a “farewell for now”. As always, thank you for your continued support!