

being half asleep is the perfect state to be writing a thesis in tbh. to meee. leaned back eyes closed word vomiting and yawning

Anonymous asked:

Next level when the band got the dog here, where Damon is sitting on the floor so Graham has to LIE on the floor to be lower like bro... www.tumblr.com/nicky-pink/655814480720166912



on the parklife demo damon does the monologue and graham does the backing but then for the album they got phil daniels so he does the monologue and damon does the backing but then in concerts when phil daniels’ not there it’s damon doing the monologue and graham doing the backing. so from demo to live the change is at a net zero


graham's posts on the blur forum... i thought i wanted to deep dive on that but i actually don't


the fact that 2/4 members of blur aren't working musicians outside of blur is kinda chic


i stared at this for quite a while wondering why they had justine playing with them this performance before i realized that’s alex

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