

Ryan || 22 || brasileira || enby lesbian || any/all || biochem major || autistic || obsessed with 80s goth and 90s grunge || please DO NOT repost my posts to other websites!!

For the love of God please stop flirting with me through my inbox and under my posts I don’t want to hear about how hot you think I am

It genuinely makes me uncomfortable to have thirsty messages in my inbox or dms. I just don’t respond to tumblr dms in general. I don’t want y’all prying on what I’m into as if you are figuring out how to seduce me. I’m not here to be sexy. Seeing comments on how hot I am makes me feel like a dried up raisin withering away under the sun. It doesn’t make me feel good. Tumblr is not a dating app for me, and no one here is a candidate for my romantic or sexual attention. If you want that, you’re not getting it from me.

Literally how thirsty comments/dms/anons make me feel


I have an uncle who is homophobic.. but his favorite band… is Queen… girl… are we listening to the same band??


Just like a hoe never gets cold, a goth never gets hot

Anonymous asked:

did you stop posting your selfies as often because ppl were being creepy in the asks/noted? I miss seeing your makeup looks, goth makeup inspo with natural brows is so hard to find these days.

Partially yes, but I also don’t want this blog to be focused on my appearance. I don’t want people following me just because I’m hot. People are allowed to compliment me, but I don’t want this blog to be a thirst trap.

Anonymous asked:

what would you want your weapon to be in a zombie apocalypse?

Probably knives because I throw knives as a hobby so it could be my weapon and also just a useful tool outside combat

Anonymous asked:

why are your uni's traditions so weird. I wanna study y'all like frogs.

Strange traditions at my university:

  • Midnight yell: every night of finals week at exactly midnight we all scream
  • Undie run: one night of finals week at midnight (combined with midnight yell) we strip down to our underwear and run around campus
  • Baptism: When you’re a freshman you “baptize” yourself with the water of this specific fountain on campus. You can only touch that water again when you graduate, and if you touch it again before that you’ll be here for an extra quarter
  • Cursed step: You can’t step on the 6th step on this particular staircase or you’ll fail your midterms
  • Ice blocking: you sit on a big block of ice at the top of this hill and slide down like a sled

I don’t know what’s stranger. The fact a girl flashed her boobs at a massive crowd at my uni’s undie run or the fact no one in the crowd gave a shit

My college has this event during finals week called undie run. It’s exactly what it sounds like. People gather at midnight in their underwear and run around campus. This girl in a bikini was stood on a platform in front of me, and I was in the middle of this massive crowd. A pack of frat boys were stood right next to me. She raised her bikini top and shook her boobs as she yelled WOOOOOO. No one cared. Even the frat boys next to me had no reaction. They were just like 😐 ok 😐. She looked around, looking defeated, and put her bikini top back over her boobs in silence. What did I witness


I don’t know what’s stranger. The fact a girl flashed her boobs at a massive crowd at my uni’s undie run or the fact no one in the crowd gave a shit

Anonymous asked:

does having gender dysphoria automatically mean that someone is trans, nonbinary, or queer? if someone has been severely suffering from gender dysphoria for a long time silently, what would you recommend to them as a first step?

Is there a way to manage dysphoria without transitioning at all? Would that make them cis by default if they don’t transition?

sorry for all the questions. I’ve been genuinely wondering, and you seemed like a good person to try asking to get a helpful perspective on this.

The only person who can define that is you. If you have gender dysphoria but wanna identify as cis, no one can stop you. If you don’t have gender dysphoria but see yourself as trans, no one can refute that. No one can tell you whether you’re trans or not. You’re the one and only authority on that, for better or for worse. I have no business whatsoever telling you whether you’re trans.

What I CAN tell you is that you’ll never find out if you don’t give it a shot. Are you more scared of trying and being wrong or never finding out? Every day that passes and you don’t do anything is one less day you’ll have as your true self, whoever that may be. There’s only so much you can find out from mulling over it. At one point you need to take that plunge, scared or not.


what would you make video essays about?


I’d be all over the place!!! Analysis of my favorite albums, books, you name it, I’d be yapping about it


WHAT MALE READERS? Across the world, women are more likely to be frequent readers than men. In the US, the literary gender gap is especially bad. American women are simply more frequent readers then their male counterparts. I hate to break it to you, but young men just don’t read!

If you want Barnes and Noble to stock your boy books, then tell your buddies to buy them. The reason why the shelves there are packed with “girl books” is because women are buying them, frequently, and your bros haven’t cracked open a book since high school English class.


Twitter is literally unusable. You see a viral tweet, open the replies and it’s all content farming accounts plugging random videos underneath. The ads you get are random MAGA shit being pushed to you even if the algorithm has no reason to believe you’d like it. The pornography that shows up somehow reeks of AI slop, even if real people made it. I get zero dopamine scrolling on there now.

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