intro post
donate to tawfeek in gaza | explanation post | see the "tawfeek" tag to look through all fundraiser updates
hi i’m charlotte i’m a lesbian and a leftist but in the kind of way where i’m stupid and haven’t read much theory. i’m also polyamorous and annoying and i work in science.
currently posting: severance, yellowjackets, and taylor swift, in that order
currently accepting: fic prompts and beta reading jobs for yellowjackets!
you can find my stuff here:
- check out my original novella on ko-fi or!
- main ao3 account and squidgeworld account
- not-so-secret rpf side account on ao3 or squidgeworld
- website (featuring poetry and fanfiction directory—fics take a few days to be posted here)
- tags on my blog: my fic (which is good) | my edits (which vary) | my art (which is medium bad)
- if you want to see all those things in one place (along with some other stuff) check out my "mine" tag
- if you want to see just my text posts check out "text tag"
my red flags include: I think rpf is fine and I love when my fiction media romanticizes terrible things <3 also i think taylor swift is a lesbian <3