❣hi this is my tumblr blog where i post about my doctors appointments and masturbation habits, have a nice stay❣
besvikelsen när man inser att Marsvinsholm bara är ett vanligt jävla slott och inte det här:
i'm going to bed *casts spell to make everybody happy tomorrow*
be careful if you're thinking about going to a concert for a band that was important to you at ages 14-15 is all im saying, you never know how you're gonna react
ok i won't post about the concert anymore after this just want to conclude by putting these here bc my tumblr is my logbook and i need to document these things
ok maybe what the concert has done to me isn't actually bad even though it feels like it right now, maybe what happened is i haven't felt an emotion properly in 3 years, i've just been apathetic and mistaking it for being kind of alright, but the vulnerable lyrics and the nostalgia and the people just broke through that and every emotion i've repressed during this godawful period of my life is flooding me at once but maybe this is what i need to finally move on. maybe.
naaah this boutta be heat
Potential collab?
can someone please recommend a book or movie or album that makes you want to live
be careful if you're thinking about going to a concert for a band that was important to you at ages 14-15 is all im saying, you never know how you're gonna react
all roads lead to yuri. START WALKING
i am full of love and also fatigue
the ukrainians were so much fun! i loved how they put such detail in the shape of the hands to stylize the character!
Mone Chiba, Last Dance • Worlds 2025
why would you shave when we have already evolved to be so hair minimalist. it feels disrespectful to what we have left
when i go in a room and forget what i needed i become a point and click protagonist. [water bottle?] that’s not helpful right now. [socks?] i don’t know what to do with that. [charger?] that’s not helpful right now. [scissors?] i can’t do anything with that. [water bottle?] that’s not helpful right now. [lone paperclip?] that’s not helpful right now. [water bottle?]
i remember learning the word melancholy at age 7 or something and thinking oh this word's gonna be huge for me
i literally only have three goals in life and it's to have fun and laugh and smile but unfortunately i'm so bad at those