
SelfShip Quotes


Side-Blog || Alexys || She/Her || Header: @murkymoth || pr0ship DNI || Main-Blog: @space-sweetheart

f/o(s) experiencing cuteness aggression for the first time bc of you and genuinely thinking something may be wrong with them bc of it 😭🤣

Platonic F/O: I'm not arguing with no bitch about allergies because respectfully shut the fuck up before I throw a flower at you.

S/I: And you better hope it take me out too because once I pop that benadryl I'm using that last 5 minutes of consciousness I got left to whoop your ass.

the feminine urge to have my f/o(s) chase me under the moonlight through a grass field while I wear a pretty white flowy dress that I have to hold the hem of with both hands while I run

speaking of fantasy, it's always "oh the dragon has taken the heir and their knight or royal lover must save them" and never "oh the dragon has taken the heir because they're secretly lovers"

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