
To The Sky

@sleeper9 / sleeper9.tumblr.com

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@leaving-earth requested the least seen movies. So here we have a list of the top 100 films that tumblr users reported as having heard of but not having seen per results on @haveyouseenthismovie-poll.

TW: A couple of films famous for racism are on this list so please enter at your own risk.

you know how being songwriting partners is like marriage and songwriting is like sex and making an album is like being pregnant and songs are like your children. i don't even have anything to add to this it's just like. ok! yeah! what more can any of us do with this? you said it, man. sure!

People were reblogging this like it applies to other people. No, listen. This is about a specific guy. One guy in particular said all of this. This isn’t me romanticising music - Paul McCartney is mpreging himself with songs. He literally said this. He songwriting married John Lennon and then they had songwriting sex together in John’s attic which Paul called β€œDaddy’s Room.” Do you understand? I am barely even paraphrasing the words that came out of his mouth. This isn’t about the art of creation, it’s about inventing a pseudo-marriage with your best friend when you are 15 because it’s the 1950s and you’re repressed and British and they haven’t invented bisexuality yet and this is the only way you can have sex with him and have his babies, and then you spend the rest of your life Saying Things instead of admitting you think your friend’s hands are sexy and you want to suck his fingers. But you do still call his hands beautiful. You say this with words that are in the bible. And by you I mean just this one (1) guy (Paul McCartney) who did in fact say this about the guy he wrote songs with (John Lennon). It was a specific instance of these words coming into existence from the vocal cords of Sir Paul McCartney. No one else said all of this.

Reblogged menlove

bruh I’ve seen 97 of these and frankly it could be more because there were a bunch that I was sure I’ve probably seen but I couldn’t remember one thing about it so I didn’t check it. And we did in fact have a blockbuster card (and went every weekend and looked at every movie) but I think I saw most of these on the Disney channel. This honestly gave me such a strong nostalgia like I have so many stories of these movies. I remember seeing the Indian in the cupboard at the drive in and we laid in the back of my mom’s truck. I remember begging my mom to see flubber and the theater was packed… I even remember the outfit I wore to see it, a red striped romper with lady bugs, because I had just gotten it and I was very excited to wear it. Anyway just ignore me I’m having 90s flashbacks….

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