We've just spent 3 days on the ZAD filming a documentary and I'm really excited. If you don't know, the ZAD is a French term that means Zone a Defence and means somewhere squatted or occupied to resist the state. In particular we were on the Notre Dame des Landes ZAD, a massive area of biodiverse wetland that was squatted by farmers, ecologists, anarchists and communists for over a decade to stop the French state building a new airport near Nantes. Eventually the state gave up and the squatters won, and now they live there outside of modern capitalism taking care each other in a manner that it wouldn't be unreasonable to call real, actual communism that's happening inside the imperial core right now
We stayed at pa Rolandiere, one of many little communes within the ZAD, and home to Jay and Isa, authors of We Are Nature Defending Itself. Like many of the places we saw, there is a central common living area and lots of little cabins and caravans around for sleeping in, but la Rolandiere also has a couple of pretty unique things. They have a lighthouse, and a visitors welcome centre. Jay told me this is because they see conviviality as a certain kind of revolutionary practice. The state paints the people on the ZAD as terrifying violent criminals, so having a welcome centre for visitors to come and learn about the ZAD is a kind of direct resistance to that.
I learned a hell of a lot being there. I talked to farmers, artists, squatters, a medic, a botanist and of course, lots of communists. I also walked miles through forests and fields and got to forage some interesting mushrooms which was very special for me. I'm looking forward to seeing the documentary develop into a real thing, but sitting on the train back from Nantes to Paris right now I'm reflecting on it all and I really feel like I'm coming down off an incredible high. This morning I was weeding a row of carrots!
I keep thinking about our interview with the botanist Jasmine, who told us that on the ZAD it's really hard to be lonely, because even if you aren't around human beings, you feel the presence of all the plants and animals in a way that you don't do anywhere else, and I really think it's true. I'm going yo be thinking about the ZAD for a long, long time. I may not have been a part of their struggle but I hope that my documentary can be. We are not defending nature, we are nature defending itself 🌺🍄🦎
We're in the middle of our return stay to finish the documentary finally 💕 every day here is so peaceful and fulfilling. I've been waking up with the first light every morning, this morning I climbed the lighthouse to watch the sunrise 🌄
Yesterday we were preparing raspberry beds for replanting on one of the collective garden farms that provides vegetables for the communes, and one of the farmers gave a little yelp and when we came over to see he was holding this salamander. This salamander is a symbol of the ZAD because it is a rare species native to the area that was crucial in the ecological struggle against the airport development
A storm this winter uprooted a lot of large trees in the forest. Some of them will be left alone, some of them will be turned into lumber by the ZAD's sawmill which generates wood for the collective from their forest
Two nights ago I cooked dinner for everyone at la Rolandiere, which was fantastic because I love to cook, especially for big groups, but this wasn't any kind of special occasion - group meals of 10 or even 20 people are the norm here and happen twice a day with different people taking turns to cook, to clean etc
Given my recent interest in astrophotography I couldn't resist taking some pictures of the sky, which is absolutely breathtaking out here, even so close as it is to Nantes.
There's a lot more to talk about of course, and I will in the documentary, and I'm sure I will in other places as well, because I intend to come back here to stay many times after the doc is finished ✨