I'm taking commissions right now! Prices are dependent on complexity, but generally are within these ranges: Colored character illustration - 200-300 USD Black and white character illustration: 100-150 USD Full illustrations - 500-1000 USD I'm also open to doing creature design, but I'd need to know the specifics of the project to give a quote! Contact: Holly.o.Lucero@gmail.com
tweaking the design of these guys a bit. They're a tiny, solitary, sapient alien that evolved to survive in an endless windstorm. I initially imagined them as sea dwelling, but I think they might work well with a setting I've been tossing around, a little planet dominated by oceans of wheat
They start life as a "mole", a predatory, rat-sized animal that digs complex burrows underneath the wheat. Moles can't talk and don't appear to be sapient, though the subject is contentious (after all, if the solitary, nomadic, unsentimental Larrow didn't, by a quirk of evolution, happen to have such an exceptionally complex vocal range, they'd probably be taken to be animals. Smart animals, maybe, but animals.) The mole stage lasts about 300 years before they develop into the sophont stage, which will only live about 20 or 30 years at most; any culture, art, technology, philosophy, fears, and prejudices the Larrow form are just an accidental byproduct of the mole's mayfly-like breeding season, to be forgotten by the next generation apart from whatever was physically left for them to find. Larrow don't remember being moles, but they dream about it sometimes.
I know you had to delete them because people were mad at you, but your posts about r/worldbuilding inspired me and my brother to regularly browse the sub and send eachother the most insane things we see. Thank you for showing us this portal to the most absurd way to create fantasy.
I didn't delete it! that post is here . i still read it frequently.
thoughts on the doctor who trailer/the next season?
honestly my biggest saddest thought on the trailer itself is I can't tell if it comes off like marvel coded slop to people who don't watch doctor who or if it looks fine (it looks fine to me but i feel like that's probably via exposure therapy to 100 other seasons of doctor who). I hope not?
actual fan brained thoughts:
- The writer lineup is interesting, I like that it's majority people who are more prose oriented or just don't have a ton to their name (I believe this is the first tv credit for juno dawson and two of the writers have less than 5 imdb credits. I like to see new writers like that.)
- Most interested in the space one (5 miles down, I think it's called) since they're not showing a lot of it in trailers (could be weirder in a way that's hard to fit into a trailer) and I remember hearing somewhere that it was the obligatory scary one.
- i vaguely heard a spoiler about the episode with ruby like a year ago and if i'm remembering right it goes in a pretty weird direction..
- what animation studio do you guys think they commissioned because i know that's not in house from the producers of Dreamland (TV Mini Series 2009)
- all the doctor who fans are guessing as usual that the rani is in it; if there's any returning villain I would guess/hope - per the big animal skeleton and the dream sequence looking bit with mel - that it's the mara
- i genuinely do not care whats going on with the anglican marine girl but the people shipping them already should seriously consider the chances that she's his granddaughter before they roll those dice
very charmed that the main alien character in the new pixar movie is a sort of eyeless carnivorous velvet worm
massive win for non traditional cute character design
very charmed that the main alien character in the new pixar movie is a sort of eyeless carnivorous velvet worm
commission for @fearolt!
tweaking the design of these guys a bit. They're a tiny, solitary, sapient alien that evolved to survive in an endless windstorm. I initially imagined them as sea dwelling, but I think they might work well with a setting I've been tossing around, a little planet dominated by oceans of wheat
If it helps narrow it down, what's your favorite creature design in doctor who? I've always loved how it designs aliens
probably the 456
kennel (prints)
Ik you have a lot of opinions on creature design for very fair reason––despite you not subscribing to the idea that there's a right or wrong way to design fantasy creatures with "anatomical accuracy" (since that can't reasonably exist), do you have a creature design from any piece of media that is your favorite specifically because of its anatomy? Idk if I'm phrasing this well, basically what's the best designed creature you've seen that potentially made you geek out over how the anatomy works/you can tell they understand animals?
this ask sent me into a 3 day spiral because i can't even think of one. I'm a fake creature design fan.
drawing a dragon is a high stakes operation that nets you the exact same pedantic comments as dinosaur art but for a totally made up animal
by the way this isn't me saying that any critique against the anatomy of a fictional creature is inherently dumb, I'm just bitching about people who criticize designs that have the "wrong" number of limbs/are fat/use features they don't consider reptilian (like feathers or hooves)/etc. for being scientifically/mythologically inaccurate and not "looking like a dragon" when their platonic ideal of an accurate reptilian dragony dragon without fail looks like this
Why'd you delete the JK Rowling novel ask?
oh sorry! honestly In this specific case I could preemptively sense that people might, you know, hassle me over reading her stuff😅
drawing a dragon is a high stakes operation that nets you the exact same pedantic comments as dinosaur art but for a totally made up animal
how would you fix toothless's live action design?
so honestly i really disagree with people saying the original could never work in live action because it looks too cartoony, I think the 2010 design basically looked like a real animal and could work fine in live action. Like a big part of the design appeal here is that this, unlike most pop culture dragons, looks like a creature that could exist; it's something you could translate to live action nearly 1:1 if you wanted to
The issue is less that it's too in line with the original animated design and more that the few new design choices actively work to make it feel less realistic - specifically, the eyes are pushed forward and given "eyebrows" in a way that's clearly meant to be more expressive and humanish, which looks a bit uncanny, and the eyes are a much darker green you don't really see in real animals. honestly I think if they had made it an animatronic just toned down the eyebrows and made the eyes a less vivid green it would basically look fine:
again this isn't me going "they have to make everything look exactly like the original movie or it sucks!", i think that's a kind of poor way to think about adaptation and character design, I just think those original choices are still more in line with what they're stylistically aiming for here.
Have you seen the live action HTTYD designs? what do you think?
Honestly I think people are being a bit harsh on them. The big pitfalls I usually see with realistic reimaginings of animated/illustrated creatures is that they either just try to copy the design 1:1, seemingly without a lot of understanding of anatomy/style, or go the opposite direction and treat everything as cartoon exaggeration, toning down or removing features that exist in the real world for the sake of realism. most of these are basically fine on both counts, it looks like the character designers are actually trying to engage with what the original designs are communicating while also not forcing themselves to be 100% fidelic to them. Most of these are not bad designs to me. I will say I 1) don't like the zippleback; maybe it looks better in movement but off the first few images it seems like they just kind of ditched all the interesting (and genuinely reptilian) elements of the original, like it's alligator/lizard-like stance and the way it's spines look like a zipper, in favor of a pretty generic/less visually interesting design:
and 2) I mentioned before I'm really not big on the redesign toothless has throughout the animated movies; the sequels gave him an increasingly flatter, more humanish face with big "eyebrows" and I think it looks way less cute/less like a real animal. the live action design is very obviously referencing this later design and I think it looks pretty rough here too, honestly a bit uncanny valley:
side note: i always thought my harshness on this design choice was a kind of mean hot take but the other day i went into the httyd tumblr tag and man they are so much meaner than me. look at this
What doctor who monster do you think has the most wasted potential?
i like hide and think it's cute that its janky looking monster is just lost and wants to get home, but a while back i found out that the original pitch was about time lord who had been rotting away in the dimensional woods and wanted to cannibalize the doctor in order to give himself new life and escape
like, oh my god, can you imagine