Please help your local disabled queer not get homeless
Repost from my other account @queervegancryptid
Hello, one and all. I'm Nik, I'm super poor, and I relapsed into anorexia last year and have had to basically do a diy recovery that has involved multiple breakdowns before and since the election. My partner is also dealing with health issues, and I'm waiting to find out if a hysterectomy is going to be medically necessary for me in the next few months. My chronic pain issues and a lot of anxiety and PTSD issues are worsening lately, and I have unmedicated ADHD because I'm between psychiatrists. He's taken care of me a lot in the last year, which is also a factor. I have returned the favor as best I can.
In short, we're both struggling and trying our best, but it's not enough, and so as much as I hate doing it, I need help, so I have to ask.
I get $980 a month in disability pay. My partner works doing Uber and a variety of other gigs, which worked fine until the pandemic and before our rent was jacked up to $1400. Now that it's late, we owe $1600. Because they also jacked up the late fee from $100 to $200, because they're jerks. My partner's mom has helped us sometimes but can't right now. This is my only option, and I'm scrambling to find something else, but right now, we're kinda fucked.
I obviously don't expect to get the whole $1600 from begging on the internet, but literally anything helps, and we have other bills to deal with as well, obviously. I just don't know what else to do, and if we don't figure it out, they WILL evict us. And then who knows when we could realistically afford to move into a new place, assuming we could find one we can afford that would have us? I'm trying really hard not to freak out about it.
Please donate and boost if possible. I am so grateful for anything anyone can do ๐๐๐
And here's a pic of my cat for tax/attention:
venmo: @Nik-Hartsfield
cash: $niksnotdead