Reblogged tsundokutepils
Reblogged thepullofy0u
Reblogged thepullofy0u
Mary Oliver, Lilies
Reblogged anythingfromtheheart
1972 ad for Nina Ricci’s L'air du temps
Reblogged sushigirlfriend
Anne W. Brigman (1869–1950) - The Strength of Loneliness, 1914
Reblogged darlinghaiden
Sylvia Plath, from The Unabridged Journals
Reblogged l99l99l
Euripides, tr. by Anne Carson, Grief Lessons: Four Plays by Euripides
Reblogged softsweetblue
Wood Anemones - Anemone Nemorosa
Reblogged balancedhuman
“You can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will.”
— Stephen King; On Writing
Reblogged allmyflowers
Reblogged northern-wander
Henri Cartier-Bresson, 1968
Reblogged thirdity
“And in the end, the poem is not a thing we see—it is, rather, a light by which we may see—and what we see is life.”
— Robert Penn Warren, from Saturday Review (22 March 1958)
Reblogged edwordsmyth
Alexander Hackenschmied | Maya with flowing hair, 1942 src Prague