
Tail Feathers

@tail-feathers / tail-feathers.tumblr.com

“Rejoicing in ordinary things is not sentimental or trite. It actually takes guts. Each time we drop our complaints and allow everyday good fortune to inspire us, we enter the warrior’s world.”

— Pema Chodron



Great blue herons / garza morena (Ardea herodias) at San Pedro House, in Cochise County, Arizona.

For about an hour this morning I watched the male heron gather and deliver sticks for his mate. She would examine each offering, and if it met with her approval she would add it to their growing nest in the top of a forty-foot tall cottonwood.

Herons return to this same tree on the bank of the San Pedro River each year, and the remnants of previous year's nests are still clinging to the branches.

The female was apparently pleased with his gifts, and after some ritual bill clappering and feather fluffing and bowing they mated. These rituals reinforce their pair bond. Great blues are (mostly) monogamous for the duration of breeding season. They will share duties for brooding and rearing their young, but will select new partners in future years.

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