

@transanimegirl / transanimegirl.tumblr.com

My name is Rose! This blog is dedicated to anime, so I don't spam my main too much with it. My /about page links to my main tumblr's about page. transgirlleonawest->transanimegirl

pinned post time!

Hello! I'm Rose and this is my anime oriented blog! My main blog is @punk-rocking-rose and my about page links to there

I'm a punk and leftist, and that means I'm pro lgbt, pro palestine, pro ace, pro trans, pro BLM, pro indigenous, etc. I'm also a normal human and that means that I think l*licons are gross. Also, I hate AI. I think that while it may have its uses, the way it is being pushed is a scam.

My interests include novels (i'm a novelist! if we're mutuals you can ask for a link to my novels! there's 20+ stories and 1.6 million words) as well as music (punk, classic rock, folk) animals (fish, reptiles mostly. feel free to send questions about animals or animal husbandry!) pro wrestling (aew mostly) and video games (mostly RPG and simulation games)

Feel free to PM me or ask for my discord, especially if we're mutuals (keeping in mind that my follows come from @punk-rocking-rose)

madoka!!! ≡^∇^≡

Watched Madoka magica on the bus and it's very sad but I loved it so so much I love the art style, Madoka is so cute ≧∇≦

I’m still eating chocolate so it’s still easter okay shush

lmao this probably looks terrible my screen is weird right now I’d better check it on another pc at some point oops………

here's hoping the upcoming tomodachi life will let you be gay without needing to make one sim legally male (girl on the right is Isabella, legally male)

so we have one of two options regarding how they'll handle gay people in Tomodachi Life 2/Living the Dream (operating under the assumption they ARE in fact going to keep their promise and have gay people in this game):

option 1. toggleable switch. you can choose if your Mii is gay or not. simple, but effective. homophobes are going to complain about it but they're inevitably going to complain regardless of how they handle gay people so

option 2. the funnier option, and honestly the one I think they're going to go with just based on the track record of the Mii games (specifically Miitopia) - there is no toggle. everyone is bisexual. you can and Will have a random Mii on your island suddenly turn out to be gay and there's nothing you can do about it

Tomodachi Life: Living the Dream Trailer Analysis

Going strictly off of what we have seen so far, here are a number of observations that can be made.

First things first, the Miis have ears now. It also appears as though every Mii they have shown off so far has a hairstyle different to the vanilla Mii Maker hairstyles as well. A number of Miis present are also wearing makeup and have highlights in their hair, which probably indicates that the Miitopia Mii Maker will be returning (or some variation of it at least will be.)

The main focus of the trailer seems to be the activities a lot of the Miis are getting involved with, with a greatly expanded world for them to interact. Each Mii appears to have their own house instead of sharing an apartment. Presumably the color of each house is indicated by the Mii's favorite color.

Out of all the new locations visible so far, we have Mii News, the pawn shop, food mart, clothing store, and interior store. In addition to those, we have a new building called Quik Build, which we know nothing about. Though if I had to speculate, I assume this shop will be used for building houses or other things on the island, or something of that nature. No hat shop anymore it appears, instead it seems as if the clothing store will probably be combined with the hat shop.

A building named Tomoria and a lighthouse are also visible, I assume that Tomoria is the cafe. The lighthouse is an entirely new structure, which appears to just be a visitor location akin to the tower or the beach.

Now, besides all of this, I speculate there is a lot we have yet to see. For one thing, we still have no clue if gay marriage will be a thing in this game (or if marriage will be a thing at all, but it would be kind of ridiculous for them to just get rid of that suddenly). For another, design wise, this game definitely seems to be leaning down the same route as Animal Crossing New Horizons, and I believe it is a possibility that we may end up with the ability to customize or decorate our own islands in some form. The new building points to that potentially being a thing, but I suppose we won't know until we get more details. For now, we await more news before the 2026 release.

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