New photo refs for the paleo artists out there, courtesy of Knuckle Bump Farms' naked emu chicks.
Like seriously, look at these guys and their stupid little arms.
every single person you know has something in their life and past that is probably worth collapsing to the ground in an uncontrollably sobbing heap over, so be nice to each other and tell good jokes
everyone is becoming way too comfortable about being horrible people
my mom is playin fuckn animal crossing in real life
she got this painting for $75 in an old case at an antique market shes been going to for years, and she thought it looks really beautiful, so she sent an email to a local art center to have it appraised
and now she has an art conservator in her emails making a plan to have her come bring it in to be appraised as a genuine Hokusai wood block print from over a hundred of years ago
thats so fucked up to me. my mom went fuckin shopping at Crazy Redd's
no joke, she got it at an antique market. but she didnt even buy the painting. she bought a bag that the painting was in, cuz she's an artist.
when she got home, the bag fell over, and the painting fell out. into the lap of an unsuspecting small town idaho girl (my ma) (that's how she described it).
movie shit.
op turned off reblogs but i wanted this on my blog so i screenshotted it
Poor old grizzly bear not a fan of a fan of thunder and lightning.
I love this guy. Clearly VERY scared but being SO brave to come out and get a snack regardless. :')
I know I'd die trying, but I just gotsta cuddle this guy immediately.
my d.b. cooper theory is that the rapture happened while he was falling and he was the only christian worthy of heaven
one time i took a picture of a tiger at the zoo and the tiger smiled for the picture it was very great and the best picture i’ve ever taken
Me too girl tf
Steve McCurry
Cammino di Francesco – Rieti, Italy
I'm sorry but this photo got me emotional - this moment could have been from any time in the last 500 or more years and not a thing about the composition would have changed. Certainly, for hundreds of years, monks have worked in these gardens and stopped to pet animals in need of scritches. A monk 300 years ago dressed in this same style in these same gardens probably stopped to pet the ancestor of that cat. The only difference between now and then is that this time there was a camera. If you went to any monastery or temple in the world you could find similar scenes playing out.
People stop to pet cats and it has me emotional.
This should be a statue. We need more statues showing kindness and companionship to cats.
If you see someone with a really bad fandom take, I’m begging you to open your emails and write a strongly worded missive to your local government official about something bad happening in your community or country.
If you’re in Canada you could email a rep about concerns about Elon musk interfering in our next federal election.
If you’re in the US the list is endless.
If you’re in the UK you could email about trans health care.
If you’re in Australia, what about dental care in Medicare?
If you’re in Europe, look into some EU initiatives of particular concern. Perhaps something to do with nature and biodiversity? Idk
Just today I emailed my local mla about coal mining in the Rocky Mountains and tomorrow I’m going to pick something else and do it again
Don’t get me wrong I love a fandom wank as much as anyone but perhaps you can take an iota of the energy you’re spending on that and put it towards making sure your elected representatives hear from you on a regular basis
Honestly this seems like a legit mental health emotional de-escalation strategy. New grounding technique just dropped and it's going to revolutionize the world at the rate I see bad takes as a regular tag scroller
I know that realistically you can only fit so many movies into a list of approximately 100, but I cannot take that "How many of tumblr's favorite movies have you seen?" list that's been going around seriously because there are some truly egregious omissions.
Some of it is very clearly recency bias, which makes me wonder if the op truly wasn't on here in 2013 or so, but you're telling me you made a list of "tumblr's favorite movies" that doesn't include Pacific Rim or Mad Max: Fury Road? Because, like, I was there, Gandalf.
I'm a ridiculous human and genuinely couldn't sleep until I tried my hand at a better, more balanced list -- though of course, I have my own biases when it comes to what corners of this website I've lurked in over the years. For what it's worth, I did consult the last several Years In Review, while also drawing on the fact that I've been here for over a decade. But if there's anything that truly doesn't feel like it should have made the cut, blame my mutuals for putting it on my dash all the time.
(And apologies, but I couldn't seem to find Goncharov among the website's listings)