
@tunisian / tunisian.tumblr.com

26 πŸ‡ nour
i kneel into a dream where i am good and loved


the holy trinity: the father (fuck it we ball) the son (it is what it is) the holy spirit (to be cringe is to be free)

Reblogged wormthe

went & got a haircut last week & the next day the stylist called extremely apologetic because he and the rest of the salon staff all came down with Influenza A the next morning, meaning he was contagious during my appt. more than a week later with no symptoms, so i’m in the clear. i’m vaxxed & wore a KN95 during my appt.

this is a reminder to get your flu shots & mask up y’all

despite dismissive β€œno big deal” attitudes about the flu, people who recover from the flu are at risk of developing chronic & disabling health issues (click for source & more info).

many people don’t take the flu seriously, but conversations about Long Covid have started conversations about other longterm viral damage. It’s funny that people try to downplay Covid-19 with β€œit’s just a flu.” You don’t want the flu either!

i think another issue that creates this attitude is that we often (at least in the U.S.) call any respiratory viral infection β€œthe flu.” people get sick and they say, β€œi have the flu” or even β€œi have a flu.”

so β€œflu” loses its teeth as a specific virus & infection, and people underestimate how serious it can be. my town hit record infections two weeks ago, and people were fainting in the emergency room parking lot, waiting to be seen.

i’ve only had the flu once, in 2018, and it’s the sickest i’ve been in my entire life. the acute infection stage was far worse than my covid infection, even. flu kills & disables people, and no, not only people with β€œunderlying conditions” or impaired immune systems. protect yourself.

Reblogged geminus

I genuinely feel ashamed that all I can do is write words while more and more Arab people die - but momentum for fundraisers is one of very few things any of us can do at the moment

Please donate to the Sameer Project. They are doing amazing work on the ground. Try to do what you can. Sharing and donating as little as 5 dollars can culminate into a big difference. I have enough of a following to know that we can make a truly big difference if this didn’t simply go ignored bc people decided they’re bored now

If you are Muslim and wish to donate your Zakat, Sadaqa, Fidya or Kaffarah to help Gazans, Sameer Project set up a donation link especially for this purpose. 100% of your Zakat and Sadaqa will go directly to help people on the ground so please don't hesitate to participate, especially during this month of Ramadan !

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