
ally k

@uwuthority / uwuthority.tumblr.com

multi-fandom writer - australian - seventeen

you know a Reddit AITA is gonna be good when it’s titled like ‘AITA for [insert perfectly benign or benevolent act that anyone would agree with doing here]?’ and it has the asshole flare


a non-Reddit observer might take this post as meaning that the comments section of a post like this is just outwardly malicious to an actually good deed, and don’t get me wrong like it’s Reddit and people WILL do that shit, but you’d be surprised to know that this in fact is an indicator that op is actually an insane person being roasted in the comments section for good reason, and you now get to open the thread to see exactly why

“AITA for burning down my brother’s house?” ends up being a thread where OP rescued his small nieces and nephews from a raging drug party, accidentally knocking over his brother’s meth lab in the process and therefore setting the place ablaze; “AITA for giving my daughter a stuffed toy when she was crying??” ends with it being revealed that OP manufactures the toys himself in a sweatshop staffed by local 8-year-old orphans

I'm also presuming there's a healthy dose of the assholes doing everything they can to frame themselves as the reasonable party


oh yeah those are the best ones. sometimes op will start arguing with people in the comments and the mods have to come wrangle them up to abide by the ‘accept your judgement’ rule, and after that they just start editing the post like an angry mid 2000s fanfiction.net author to own the haters but that only infuriates the crowd more, so it ends up being like you’re in a courthouse watching the crowd go insane in support of the jury while the judge bangs their gavel for order. even if the story is fake like, you can’t beat that entertainment


i made this post a couple weeks ago and one of the most fascinating parts of the responses here are that everyone seems to be on the same page that sure, a lot of them are probably fake, but it doesn't matter because the true point of r/AITA is for entertainment. like part of the fun is not knowing if it's actually real or not, but going into it suspending your disbelief and pretending that it's real is the most fun because that way you can 1. think about what you would do if you were in this situation, 2. think about who the fuck would actually make these choices and what op might be hiding, and 3. take part in throwing rotten food at our protagonist as the mods slowly trudge them through the medieval reddit city in chains in a show of public humiliation to the masses


bc of my crack fic people have been sending me every manner of Grinch x Tony the Tiger headcanon……who wants to hear the one that finally snapped me like a tennis player’s tendon

ok so if the grinch and tony had a kid, it would probably be

  • have weird fur and an unsettling appearance (like the grinch)
  • be orange and into sports (tony)

so that child would be Gritty

I’ve never derived an iota of joy from this website and I truly don’t know why i’m still here


I am ashamed to say that I put a lot of effort into this….

holy. fucking. STARS.


Whoops my hand slipped….

how have you done this…..why have you done it…..


I can’t stop


Look at the kids run! 


I couldn’t breathe when I saw these…

Parent Trap but Gritty and the Lorax try to reunite Tony & the Grinch


Everytime I see this thread show up on my dash it’s in more depth and more developed. I didn’t think we could reach these levels of insanity but here we are.

buddy have you SEEN my tags:

#also the Lorax has ‘the’ in front of their name just like The Grinch so it’s a family thing  #WAIT WAIT WAIT  #this implies that after the breakup the Grinch raised the Lorax while Tony raised Gritty. Tony the Cereal Sports Mascot raised Gritty the Hockey Mascot. this makes Complete Sense  #Grinch likes solitude and nature and hates waste and commercialism–traits passed onto the Lorax  #Tony is obnoxiously extroverted and loves sports and is a Famous Pop Cultural Mascot. Gritty followed in his father’s footsteps…

it is painfully hysterical to me that people are encountering this fic completely at random without knowing the Relevant Tumblr Backstory behind it


every single person you know has something in their life and past that is probably worth collapsing to the ground in an uncontrollably sobbing heap over, so be nice to each other and tell good jokes


I tried to make a cg!Wilbur audio

I don't think it's any good but his soft voice brings little me comfort so I hope it does for you too


New post I made because I'm on my period and I'm watching Bluey to cope 😌

I hope you will enjoy it!!

Okay to reblog!!

NOT OKAY to repost!!!


This is a reminder for autistic people who don’t feel hunger or thirst signals to eat and drink something.

Also reminder for autistic people who don’t feel pain and cold signals to do a quick evaluation on if you’re uncomfortable and check if you should bundle up or take some medicine for the headache you didn’t realize you had


oh my god THANK YOU I was laying improperly on my side, turns out it kinda hurts

I’m very passionate about this topic so I have to ask. Baths or showers?


okay so hear me out here.

baths are good when you don’t want to do anything anything, but showers are best for productivity, like washing your hair and face and shaving your legs.

thanks for your question!

Here is a video essay about the results as well as my general musings about the “death” of fandom LiveJournal, the rise of AO3, and the possible future of Tumblr. You’ll also find some TL;DR in the link above, or you can even read the entire resulting paper, published now in Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction: Moving Across Lands: Online Platform Migration in Fandom Communities.”

And for the serious TL;DR here’s the fancy chart again. :)

I’d love to know what you think! Feel free to reblog with how all this tracks to your own experience, or what your predictions are for the future of fan platforms.


How do you (“how does one”) shop for a therapist?

Can you call up a therapist and be like “hi, I’m therapist shopping”? Can you schedule an appointment with a therapist and then be like “actually I have some questions and I want to spend part of this appointment talking about your practice and whether or not it is garbage?”? Are you expected to phone interview/screen your therapists if you are shopping around for a therapist?

If you’re seeing one therapist are you supposed to/not supposed to tell them if you start seeing another therapist? Is it possible to cheat on your therapist?

I know this one! Or, at least, I know a way to do it, because I’ve done it.

1) When you call them up (or email them, which I prefer, because PHONE, EW), you ask if they’re taking new patients.

2) If they say yes, say something along the lines of “Great! I’m looking for a new therapist. Would it be possible for me to schedule an appointment so we can see whether we’d be a good fit for one another?”

  • IF THEY SAY NO, THEY DON’T DO ‘INTERVIEWS’: they’re a dick, you don’t want them anyway, don’t bother to make an appointment

3) Assuming everything is a go, head over to the appointment. Bring your notebook, pen, and questions. Also, if possible, have a very brief rundown prepared of what you’d like to accomplish with your therapy (or even what you think your biggest issues are).

4) Introduce yourself. Reiterate that you want to see if the two of you would be a good fit, so [a nice little social laugh or smile here, while holding up your notebook] you brought questions.

  • IF THEY DON’T LIKE THAT: they’re a dick, you don’t want them anyway, cut the meeting short

5) Give the rundown of what you want, what your issues are, whatever. See how they react.

  • IF YOU FEEL WEIRD AT ALL ABOUT THEM: they may not be a dick, but if you don’t feel comfortable with them, then it’s going to be a shit therapeutic relationship

6) Ask your questions — about their therapeutic approach, why they entered the field, whether they feel comfortable working with *your* needs (I, for instance, specifically told my awesome therapist that I needed her to tell me absolutely nothing about her personal life or experiences — as much as possible, I needed a blank wall to bounce things off of. It’s been years now, and I THINK she’s seen at least a couple of episodes of Doctor Who. I THINK. That’s all I’ve got. It’s amazing).

  • AGAIN, IF YOU FEEL WEIRD ABOUT THEM: go with your gut — your therapy is not the time or place to try and soldier through

7) By this point, you’ve probably hit the 45 minute mark, and you’ll know if you want to see this person again.

  • IF YES, say that this was a really great meeting, and you’d like to set up a regular appointment.
  • IF NO, say “Thanks for meeting with me.” If it wasn’t too terrible, feel free to add in whatever social niceties you want to lessen the blow (“I have appointments with a few other people, still, but thank you again!”), or you could just skedaddle as soon as possible.
  • IF YOU’RE NOT SURE, go a bit heavier with the social nicety: “I still have appointments with a few other people, but I really enjoyed our meeting. I’ll let you know as soon as possible if I’d like to schedule another one. Thanks again!”

Regarding current therapists: If they’re toxic, get rid of ‘em before you even start interviewing others. Nobody needs that kind of garbage. Otherwise, you could keep seeing them while you interview others, and then the second you find one you like (and you schedule your next appointment), get rid of your current one. You don’t have to say why — just say that you’d like to cancel future appointments. Do it over email, if you want. If you like them, you can tell them that you just need something different now, but that you “really appreciate all the work we’ve done together” or something. If you don’t like them, just cancel. They don’t need to know jack.

  • IF YOUR CURRENT THERAPIST SAYS SHIT ABOUT YOUR LEAVING — and I mean anything other than a positive hope for you in the future — then they were a dick and you were right to find someone else. Who needs passive-aggressive bullshit from a therapist? Nobody, that’s who.

So that’s my philosophy/style with regard to therapist shopping — I may be completely wrong, but it’s worked for me so far. Good luck!


This is really good advice


Yes, very good advice!


I needed this!! I recently moved and need to find a new therapist AND psych in my area. I was also super uncomfortable with my therapist, who literally said these words out loud from her mouth: “How do you know you’re pansexual if you’ve never had sex?”

nope bye


This is the advice I used when therapist shopping for my current therapist! I didn’t bring the notebook of questions cause there were a just a couple key things that I really wanted to make sure that were okay, but this gave me a good idea of what to look out for not related to the very specific stuff I was going to therapy for. But this guide is awesome.

I’ve never been so unafraid to see a therapist before I read this… I might give it a try.

honestly i don’t think that the boys will use tumblr to find fics tho

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