
This Blog is deticated, To Little Buddy Chester

@vincentspork / vincentspork.tumblr.com

Kat 🔹28 🔸 white ▫ they/them or she/her 🐱🎹un gatto panino🎹🐱 🐢 Delgo Connoisseur 🐢 terfs/swerfs/thinspo & proana blogs fuck off forever 🌵 Please feel free to let me know if I rb'd something from a shithead 🔘 3DS Friend Code: 5430 - 0020 - 1613 💮Switch Friend Code: 0250-8753-6331 Tired of this freakin lady reblogging users because she can't freakin' blog. If you would just get up, and learn to text post instead of photoblogging. These bloggers, they don't respect that crap. They need to see a blogger's FACE. You're just getting mad because I'm pointing out the obvious. No, I'm not wasting your time. I'm telling you what you need to blog. You want bloggers to go on your blog? You want them to get excited? You gotta log in and MAKE them excited. You want a photoblogger to change and start text posting? You gotta touch this freakin follow button. You can't expect a kid to change if all you do is like his posts. You gotta, you gotta take this posting serious. This is the future of this site. And when you come in my askbox, on anonymous, making a statement, oh this is my blog? Indeed, it is. But this is tumblr's FUTURE, and MY profession. But there's a post limit. When I'm not blogging, I'm making dashboard observations. And NOW I will log out. You're welcome. And if you would like, I'll teach you a little more so you can actually learn how to run a freakin' blog, because since I got here, I haven't seen nothing but reblogging. So don't try to take credibility for those notes.

olympic gold in hitting christian babies with a bat

points deduction. that last baby was a calvinist

oh my god people yes i know calvinism is a type of christianity the joke is that it doesn't take skill to hit a baby who's predestined to get hit come on


be a good piggie and sniff out truffles in the underbrush for mommy.

god i’m so tired. i can’t do this. i can’t keep fucking doing this.


Samsung VR400RC "Puppie" VCR in transparent blue 2000 (x)

Wow. This is the hardware version of the 'fellow children' meme.

Actually, it's just the early 2k trend of having electronics with colorful transparent shells that took off because of the Apple iMac G3.


Ever since i was a boy i wanted to pay the highest cost of living on the continent to be a disposable animation studio intern

this is an in universe post from my new character whose just a fun loving lighthearted guy with a malignant brain parasite infection that is subtly directing his life towards animating an akira bike scene homage for a cartoon network show


you can draw any character fat even if they aren’t drawn that way in canon. including women. and you don’t just have to draw the shy reserved woman as fat you can also draw the woman who is confident in herself and her appearance as fat too.


Regular misogyny is still misogyny when you direct it against transfems. When you accuse us of hysteria (or "screaming and crying" as you may circumlocutionarily put it) for expressing views you dislike, that's misogyny. When you explain aspects of our transfeminism that you find disagreeable (for example us taking issue with the claim that we are "seen as men") with us being too emotionally fragile and immature to face reality, that's misogyny. When you dismiss us as being too irrational and emotional to assess our own oppression objectively, that's misogyny. If you belittle, infantilize and condescend to transfeminists at every turn, if you cannot reckon with the fact that you have genuine ideological disagreements with transfeminists without resorting to misogynistic cliches to dismiss them, then you are a misogynist who considers transfems fair game for misogynizing (and you should correct that).

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