mutuals what perfume or cologne do you use? 👀
Church in a Polish salt mine 300 feet underground
Careful with birding you can become addicted to noticing beauty in everything and appreciating nature
TVC fandom I raise you….Sean Brennan as rockstar Lestat
klaus kinski and isabelle adjani in nosferatu (1979) dir. werner herzog
miserable that there is no way 2 avoid being treated as either a man or woman
enjoy some aspects of masculinity enjoy some aspects of femininity but i really don't want to be any of this shit
my #candle made from discarded walnut shell, cheese wax from gouda, and piece of twine coated in more gouda wax
Full moon behind the Temple Expiatori del Sagrat Cor, on the summit of Mount Tibidabo in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
nautilus reading lamp by tiffany glass and decorating company, new york city, united states c. 1899-1902.