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@violetclowns / violetclowns.tumblr.com

faline • she/her • ‘04
lesbian babygirl and I likes hamster and ourple

my eye is twitching

Between this with Jumba and Pleakley I get to why some parts of the internet is freaking out because how lately Disney have been with letting us down with remakes but also I mean I'm very skeptical myself but also I kind of want to give it a try but then again I don't want to be disappointed

Don’t watch this movie, I’m begging. This is more than just complaining about how disney doesn’t need to do live action remakes. This movie in particular has already exploited the lands of Hawai‘i by filming there and will continue to do so by promoting tourism there, which is destroying the islands and harms locals and indigenous natives who are already getting pushed out of their homes by foreigners due to tourism and gentrification.

This movie also promotes whitewashing. They casted a lightskinned wasian woman to play Nani instead of an actual indigenous Hawaiian woman. This movie is promoting the erasure of Hawaiian people getting to tell stories about themselves, there’s not a single Hawaiian person behind the writing or directing for the production of this movie and its clear that unlike the original cartoon, it’s made with a clear lack of respect for its people.

Do not watch this movie.


i bring a "they shouldnt have that wild animal in their house" sort of vibe to the conversation that enjoyers of cute animal videos dont really like


"You say you want more 'weird queers' and then can't handle lesboys and mspec lesbians!"

Yes because the idea that lesbians are still attracted to men and that lesbianism is open to trans men by virtue of Vagina are actually what society believes and not weird at all. hope this helps!

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