
top hunk

@vivathewilddog / vivathewilddog.tumblr.com

they/them. if you know my name you can use it. legally an adult, spiritually and actually 4 racoons fighting in a garbage bag. michaud on ao3

111,102 words, 5/5 chapters

Slow Burn, Non-Linear Narrative, Friends With Benefits, Pining while fucking, Trans Character, Not Kayfabe Compliant

and now with CODA aka:

spirit bloom by @vivathewilddog and @wrestleish

9,959 words, Explicit

Established Relationship, Trans Character, Not Kayfabe Compliant

i ain’t getting involved in alladat but if anyone wants to send me asks about tjimcu or whatever on this trans day of visibility that would be fun!!

lol somehow my asks were turned off but it’s fixed now

i ain’t getting involved in alladat but if anyone wants to send me asks about tjimcu or whatever on this trans day of visibility that would be fun!!

I love nonfiction that I simply cannot relate to at all. "it's easy to get addicted to buying fast fashion! I used to spend thousands of dollars on it a year!" okay. you're a space alien.

"survey finds that the average person in the UK only wears a piece of clothing 7 times" what are you talking about. what are you fucking talking about. who are these people and in what world are they average.

111,102 words, 5/5 chapters

Slow Burn, Non-Linear Narrative, Friends With Benefits, Pining while fucking, Trans Character, Not Kayfabe Compliant

and now with CODA aka:

spirit bloom by @vivathewilddog and @wrestleish

9,959 words, Explicit

Established Relationship, Trans Character, Not Kayfabe Compliant

This might suck to hear, but if you're a people pleaser that is motivated by praise and avoids disagreements, you are easy to manipulate.

When I was in therapy after surviving years of domestic violence, my therapist had to tell me that my personality was primed for abuse and we needed to work on that so I would be better equipped to see the red flags and respond appropriately in the future.

I'm still working on this, and it's been 8 years. If you tell someone how you want to be treated, what behaviors you don't tolerate in your life, what you're looking for in that relationship, and they react negatively, don't compromise yourself. Just move on.

This one's for all the praise-kink girlies: differentiate, self-actualize, stay sexy

This resonated with more people than I thought, so here are some phrases to practice when you would normally default to people pleasing:

  • I'm not comfortable with that.
  • I'd rather not, but thank you for the offer!
  • You're welcome to disagree, but that's not something I'm okay with.
  • No.
  • It's personal, and I'd prefer to keep it private.
  • That doesn't work for me. How about x
  • I respect your opinion, but I'd rather do it my way.
  • That is behavior that I don't tolerate.
  • To each their own.
  • I'm not looking for feedback right now, but if I'm looking for input later, I'll let you know.
  • Oh, I'm not sure I agree; I thought x
  • When you did/said x, I wasn't okay with that.
  • I don't accept your apology.
  • I can accept your apology once you've addressed the problem.
  • Hey, could you help me with x?
  • I need to stop.
  • I need some time to myself.

Just remember, your thoughts, feelings, and opinions are what make you unique, and you can change your mind later, so don't be afraid to say them out loud. Work through things. Don't dodge them.

I started using Head and Shoulders ten years ago for itchy scalp and dandruff, and then for ten years I have not had itchy scalp and dandruff, so I thought "why do I still buy shampoo to combat itchy scalp and dandruff when I do not have itchy scalp and dandruff," so I stopped buying the shampoo for itchy scalp and dandruff and can you guess I have now? Can you predict what currently afflicts me? It's alright if you can't because apparently I fuckin couldn't either

Cutting something out of your life because you think you don't need it any more only to realize that it was in fact working as intended and preventing a problem that will return should you stop doing this is a good experiment to run periodically with something small like dandruff shampoo, lest you start to think it would be a good idea to do this with like let's say public health and the social safety net and vaccines

I had a liver transplant when I was 14 and like six months later I was chatting with my surgeon and he said “there’s gonna come a time, probably when you’re a teenager, where you’re gonna think, ‘I feel great, why am I still taking all this medication? I haven’t needed it in years.’ and you’re gonna want to stop taking all this medication. Guess what’s gonna happen then? You’re gonna go into rejection and your liver is gonna start failing, and you’re gonna be dying again, and we’re gonna have to find you another liver. So don’t do that.” And I said “why the fuck would anyone do that?” and he said “people are stupid.”

every once in a while when I get annoyed by a pharmacy or don’t wanna get out of bed to do my drugs I think “ugh, this is dumb, why do I do this?” and that conversation slams into me like a truck and I remember that I am, in fact, stupid

evangelicals being like "god made men to do This and be like This and women to do That and be like That that's just how it is" and it's just a picture of a white man and woman following traditional gender norms makes me so insane like you boring fascist fucks. god made 2 million species of beetles. god made whales, ducks, humans, and 1500 other species capable of same sex behavior. god made fish and amphibians that change sexes. god made more than 30 different intersex variations in human beings. god, in his infinite curiosity. wake up!!! fuck!!

"god wants women to have perfect no-makeup makeup looks and stay at home not talking back and upholding capitalism" god??? that guy who made lizards that shoot blood out of their eyes?? that guy who made salmon do whatever the fuck that is?? are you fucking crazy???

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