
mclurpy necessary

@voltdragoon / voltdragoon.tumblr.com

☢️ ✝️ abigail/vence vane ☆ free sloppy at 7/11 ☆ ace bi-greyaro with da WACKO GENDER ☆ 27 ☆ (it/its) ☆ kind of a dragon ☆💚☆ icon by korvidking TYPICAL DNI CRITERIA APPLY || TEEN NAME: SCRAP UNCHAINED

our downstairs neighbor has a motion activated doorbell camera and recently made a snip on how we come home with takeout all the time and commented on our spending habits (its not btw. its people giving us leftovers and groceries)

so now that i know she watches the footage daily of the hallway we have to walk through to get to our room i make sure to deliberately stop in front of the camera and show her everything we get like a makeup/skincare influencer

today i went to a gardening ceremony for my deceased loved one to show support and won a porcelain chicken at bingo with 40 something old ladies

^ pov recreation you are my downstairs neighbor getting a load of my awesome fucking chicken

she saw it btw and said “um…. what was the chicken about” do you not appreciate her?

she stands very well her name is sweetling and she protects our sweet things


It’s crazy and fucked up that being yourself is actually the solution.

It’s like. When I was told to “just be yourself” as a kid I thought it was a passive thing. Like oh easy I just have to sit here and be myself. but the reason so many people think that “being yourself” is bullshit advice is because you actually have to make active choices to do this and it WILL make your life way more fun. You have to wear t-shirts of bands that were popular ten years ago because you like them. You have to do your hair in a way that you find cute or comfortable even if it’s “so nineties”. If your friend says a food you enjoy is gross to them, you can’t be afraid to admit you casually disagree. You have to do hobbies that you’re interested in even if you’re bad at them and you cant feel like you have to get good at something before you tell people it’s an activity you do. You have to read manga and comic books in public and get piercings your relatives think are unattractive. You don’t have to tell people you dislike that you dislike them, but you don’t have to give them your time and attention either. You have to rewatch that kids show you’re nostalgic for even if you’re in your 30s. You have to change your name if you hate it, even if only a few close friends can know. You have to get fun girly drinks at the bar. You have to order hot chocolate when you don’t like coffee and black coffee when you don’t like sweet things. I am still bad at practicing this but it is the only way to make it all tolerable.

First you have to realize that "yourself" is a construct built by the decisions you make. Then it becomes clear that being yourself is a deliberate and intentional practice, not a passive state of existence.

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