

@yuttikkele / yuttikkele.tumblr.com

this is where i ramble without shame then drop off the face of the earth for a bit

yutti’s the name, gangrene’s a shame

howdy! I’m your resident Christian with a token tumblr blog!

I am a MAJOR. my pronouns are she/her. certified dudegal.

I do reblog stuff with swears, so beware!

-important tags used around my blog-

#ack - all my original posts/some reblogs with stuff I’ve added on that I think’s important

#draws - my drawings

#text post - my text posts

#ocs - my ocs

#hcs - my headcanons of various things

fandom posts have their corresponding tags!!

anyways this is my pinned introduction post here’s my commission info GOOD. DAY.



One of many examples of people realizing the reality of spirk :)


shoutout to tumblr user robiberon and me for finding out about Kirk in march of 2025


That might have been me hehehe.

I’m sorry I’m confused ;0; you were the one to send me this ask or..?

I think I was responding to your tags but forgot to include them, lol. And yeah, it’s my main blog. This is my side blog for reblogging stuff without tagging. And also for fannish stuff

oh so you were the person to bring up the heat thing? I’m sorry I’m still confused 😭😭

Anonymous asked:

i love seeing your startrek post bcs every time i see it i think about how you were basically asking if people liked the fan ship on The fandom show. that thing started fandom. star trek fanfiction invented the mary sue and you are asking if its ok to ship the most popular ship in the fandom

hey guys this wheat? you think we could turn this stuff into bread maybe possibly?

in my defense guys I thought I’d get a lot of side-eyes for shipping spirk 😭😭 I DIDN’T KNOW THEY WERE THE GRANDFATHERS OF GAY PEOPLE

looking at it from a star trek fan’s perspective, I can understand how what I said would be hysterical now tho. I’m glad it brings a little happiness to you :D

hey I wanted to say I absolutely love seeing your star trek posts! I also started watching tos without knowing absolutely anything about star trek, like a month before I turned 18, and i fell in love with it almost immediately. the show itself is funny and campy and at times very bad but also at times very good! and the fandom is fantastic, very old and yet also extremely active still.

I saw your post asking about old art; aside from the zines everyone has already recommended I know another place you could look! the K/S Archive (link) was the this huge archive for spirk (most commonly know as k/s or the premise in the old days) fan works, mostly fanfic yes, but also art and essays and other fanworks. it was founded in 2005 and in 2021 they made the move to import their works to AO3, where they're now hosted.

you can find the AO3 collection here (link) and browse it yourself, there's over 5000 works, some dating as far back as 1976, and there's almost 200 works tagged with "fanart" or some variation of it (link).

also, if you allow yourself to go down the tumblr rabbit hole when you find an old blog (those that have been around since 2012 or before) you'll find a lot of old fanart shared back then if you either scroll far enough or go through their archive.

I hope you continue enjoying! 🖖


oh thank you so much! for the love and the recommendations!! :D

the show itself is really great. The effects and stuff aren't even that bad really, but even then, like you said, it’s so camp. The vibes are there and thriving. It’s so much fun.

I be continuing to enjoy and hope you do as well! 🖖🖖

Anonymous asked:

yutti mention on my dash 😱



(I can’t see the post lol but I thank you for trying to show me 😭😭)

Has anyone else mentioned S3E10, "Plato's Stepchildren," to you yet? To quote TVTropes, "This episode was generally received as silly, but it is also a landmark episode, not just of Star Trek but of American television, as it is one of the very first times (and, depending on how you tally it, possibly the first time) a black woman and white man were shown kissing on broadcast network television. Even though aliens made them do it."


I have heard about that, but I did not know which episode! Very interesting!! If I’m not mistaken, it’s Uhura and Kirk??? Oh well, I’ll find out when I get there

S2E5 the Apple AKA another episode where the people live in peace and get liberated whether they want to or not

Spock jumped in front of the plant gun to save Jim. That was a TOTALLY rational reaction guys.

Jim’s telling Spock to just yell next time pffft. like Spock’s internally like “Why didn’t I think of that?” Bro’s trying to hide the fact that he acted on feeling

Spock having to explain the birds and the bees

Kirk: “Do you know how much Starfleet has put into you?” Spock: *starts giving an exact answer*

I love how Kirk always tries to explain things to Spock in a logical way cause he knows that’s how Spock understands things best

S2E4 mirror, mirror: AKA SPOCK WITH A BEARD!!!!


did nimoy grow that himself???

Aw look. They’re giving out a gesture from the heart!

Wait that’s almost exactly what Elon Musk did BAHSHSHS

I like how everyone looks mostly the same except for a different indigna and gold sash. Then there’s Kirk and Uhura. Uhura who I’m sure was forced to wear that outfit, and Kirk who I’m sure was more than glad to wear it. Oh and also Spock has a beard of course. Because evil Spock MUST have a beard.

Not the pan up of Spock’s body from Kirk’s point of view.

Kirk’s really thinking about Spock’s beard.


evil chekov EEP!


The fact that the evil guys IMMEDIATELY found themselves locked up and the regular guys are still active pfft


Kirk looks so uncomfortable. It’s because she’s not blonde.


Kirk’s trying his best to change the mind of Evil Spock awww

Had to bring up Spock with a beard at the end too didn’t ya

all right that was the episode of Spock with a beard tune in next time to see Spock without a beard again

S2E3 The Changeling: aka I really don’t think “The Changeling” was a fitting name for the all-around theme

THAT was the most they’ve been knocked around in the ship yet

Mother Kirk

Sterilize? Like sanitize? As in commander Tartar? As in Splatoon 2 octo expansjon???

Kirk: “You didn’t think I had it in me did you? Spock: “No.” Kirk: *utter disbelief*

Kirk. He was a mother. His son was a doctor. RIP Nomad.

S2E2 Who Mourns for Adonias?: AKA dear Adonis, I’m sorry that man thinks he’s your god

“Oh wait I am losing an officer.” LET SCOTTY HAVE THIS.

The hand holding the enterprise like 🤏

“But don’t bring the one with the pointed ears. He is much like Pan. And Pan always bored me.” UNSOLICITED PAN SLANDER 😭😭😭

Oh hi Apollo. Why are you racist?

“Mankind has no need for gods. We find the One quite adequate.” YEAHAAAAH WHERE’S MY CHRISTIAN SPIRK FANFIC!!!

Well maybe that’s what Apollo gets for dissing the faun race and subsequently the Vulcan race.

So who and where was Adonias. And how was Adonias?

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